Related Works

 Related Works is a list of other manuscripts, essays, writings, artwork, products, or services that have been completed and/or are in the process of development. Much of the following can be found within the Contents of  (see Indexes).

The following are examples of some Entries outside of the socio-political/economic stories and contexts. Though most Entries/symbols presented offer multicultural perspectives on behavior, the following is a more concentrated list for those averse to reading about political environments. Sample topics elaborated upon here include:
 Drugs/Alcohol, Junk Foods and Obesity, Gossip, Gambling, Extreme Sex, Luxury, Angers, Guns, etc... 
Some Resolutions are offered throughout the manuscript especially in Chapters 77-84.
Once again, to get a complete understanding of a presented Entry one should eventually consult the related Chapters.

-------     Drugs/Alcohol  I     -------
(see Indexes on Drugs, Cigarettes, Alcohol)

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 65-66 - Snow Jobs & Other Frost

     Drugs - an easy take that should be avoided unless sick or dying. Drugs are basically for sick people. Whether it be narcotics (see Stupid Delays) or "dope" (see Stupid Delays) like marijuana/pot (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom), cigarettes (see Black Burning Gloom), hashish (see Butchers), assorted snuff or chewing tobacco (see Black Burning Gloom), alcohol (see Drunken Times), cocaine/snow (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost), crack (see American Guns), heroin/scag (see Black Burning Gloom), crystal meth (see Crooked Leanings, Snow Jobs & Other Frost), rave drugs (see Roving) like MDMA ecstacy (see Drunken Times) aka "molly" (see Stupid Delays), mushrooms (see Quagmires), "dropping" and "tripping" on acid (see Drunken
Times), assorted pill popping (see American Guns), etc... notice how themajority of those pills being used are "white". White death folks. White death.!! Don't let these poisons unnecessarily dry your essential fluids.
English:  Drug - ["medicine, chemical ingredients," fr. O.Fr. droge "supply, stock, provision" ,
                          of unknown origin, perhaps from M.Du. or M.L.G. droge-vate "dry barrels,"
                          or droge waere, lit. “dry wares,” but specifically drugs and spices, with first
                          element mistaken as word for the contents (dry goods) or because medicines
                          mostly consisted of dried herbs. The same source produced It., Sp. droga,
                          Swed. drog. Application to "narcotics and opiates" is late 19c., association
                         with "poisons" is 1500s]
Dutch:  Droog - dry
        bedroog - deceived, cheated

Portuguese slang:  Droga! – (literally drug!) shoot! shit! hell!

Italian slang:  
Morte – (literally death) drugs

Arabic:  كز - Kazza/kazz - to become dry, shrivel, wither, shrink, narrow; dry withered, shriveled
              كزز - kazzaz - miserliness, nigardly
              كزازة - kazaza - drysess, boringness, dullness, tedious, stingy

German:  dürr –  1: withered; dry; dried up, arid, barren  2: skinny, scraggy
                Dürre – drought, aridity, barrenness
Hebrew:   חרב Khareb – to dry up, be stupefied
                 חרב Khareb – to be devastated, desolate, to destroy, lay waste, fight with each other
                 חרב Khareb – sword, knife
(see Live by the Sword)

Russian:  Худой - Xudoy – thin
                Худой - Xudoy – bad; full of holes; worn; worst
(see In a Hole)
                Худо - Xudo – harm, evil; ill, badly  
              Сухой - Suxkhoy – dry; cold
              Сухошовый - Suxkhshaviy – skinny, thin                       

Arabic:    جف  Jaffa – dry/ to dry.
               جفاى Jufa’ – useless, vain, futile; a mere nothing, trifle
               فى جفاف Fi jafaf – in a cold, unemotional tone                   

English:  Dry  - 20: dull; uninteresting  22: indifferent; cold; unemotional  < a ~ answer> 

Italian:  Seccare – to dry; to annoy or bother
             Secco – dry; withered; thin; curt, abrupt
             Restarci secco – to drop dead
             Fare secco qualcuno – to kill someone
Italian slang:  A secco – (lit. like dry) without resources
Portuguese slang:  Seco –  (lit. dry) a longing or desperate hope
Spanish:  Dejar en seco – to leave high and dry
Polish:  Suchy – dry
            Wyschły – cold, dead, stiff

A Dry White Season is a 1989 film about the brutality of the racist Apartheid system.

No water, no plant life. No plant life, no green.
Without water a green world cannot thrive
(see Blue Yellow and Green).
Don’t burn that green.

  Steven Hager – Marijuana Activist, former Editor and Chief of High Times magazine, Creator of the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam, a marijuana awards ceremony, where the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) contents are very high. He also created the Freedom Fighters, a hemp legalization group, as well a band called Soul Assassins. Marijuana or pot (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom), or hash (see Butchers) are drugs that kill brain cells, destroy memory capacity, and inhibit people from moving at the speed they are capable of. The glamorization of drugs is a lie and deception that needs to be addressed. There are so many better ways to get high that can can actually improve someone. Dopes who smoke dope (see Stupid Delays) .. try exercise!!! Drugs for the most part are for sick people.
Hager is a German name and word for ‘thin’, ‘gaunt’.
Also the name Hagar hay'gahr (Hebrew: הָגָר, Modern Hagar Tiberian Hāgār, meaning "uncertain") is a biblical person in the Book of Genesis Chapter 16 who was either expelled to or tested within the desert. Her story is interpreted in varied ways. The story goes that Hagar was placed in the desert with some water, water which evetually ran out and left her desperately searching for more water to save her child. In Catholicism, Saint Augustine referred to Hagar as symbolizing an "earthly city", or sinful condition of humanity. This view was expounded on by medieval theologians such as Thomas Aquinas and John Wycliffe. The latter compared the children of Sarah to the redeemed, and those of Hagar to the unredeemed, who are "carnal by nature and mere exiles". Some artists viewed Hagar as symbolic of women who have struggled and suffered. Though not mentioned in the Koran, Hagar is revered as a courageous mother in Islam for her experiences in the desert. Hagar's destitution and desperation are used as an excuse for criminality by characters in the work of Daniel Defoe, such as Moll Flanders, and the conventional view of Hagar as the mother of outcasts is repeated in Samuel Taylor Coleridge's play Zapolya.

English:  Slim – [fr. Du. slim bad, sly, clever, fr. M.Du. slim bad, crooked
(see Crooked Leanings)
                         fr. M.H.G. slimp slanting, awry, fr. Germanic schlimm bad]

              Assassin – [fr. Arabic hashishyyin, a fanatical Ismaili Muslim sect in the time of the
                                 Crusades, who murdered people after eating hashish
(see Butchers)]
              Hashish – [fr. Arabic hashsha it became dry, it dried up]         
              Hemp – 1: any plant of the genus Cannabis  2: a hangman’s rope for execution   
              Weed – 1a: a plant not valued for use or beauty that chokes out other plants 
                           c (1):  TOBACCO 
(see Black Burning Gloom) (2) MARIJUANA
              Weedy –  3: a thin and weak appearance, scrawny

               Potty – crazy
English idiom: To go to pot – to go to ruin
French:  Mauvaise herbe - (literally bad herb) weed

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 25 - American Guns

     Crack Cocaine - diabolical drug that creates nothing but havoc and destruction. Crack is white death.
Old English:  Crack – a forward brash youth; a loud noise (see Rough Noise)
                      Crackhemp – on the road to the gallows
                      Crack of doom – final judgment
 English:  1Crack – 1: make a sharp explosive sound
(see Confused Warriros)
                              2: break, snap..  3: FAIL  
                             4 slang: sense of “to try” is from a hunting metaphor for to fire a GUN  
                2Crack - 4: a weakness or flaw caused by decay.. UNSOUNDNESS :
                                also slang for free-base cocaine (since 1985)
Crack head - a user of crack cocaine
                Cracked – 2: mentally disturbed : CRAZY
                Cracker – 1: a bragging liar : BOASTER
(see Drunken Times)  adj. 2: wild crazy
English slang:  Cracker - disparaging word for a "white" north European American
English idiom:  Crack up - to suffer a mental or emotional breakdown
                                         to crash, as in an automobile or airplane
Scots:  Crack – a loud crash; boast, brag; gossip;
(see Stupid Delays)
            Cracky – silly, cracked, of weak mind (see Stupid Delays)
            Gimcrack – tawdry, fantastic

Irish:  Craic – fun, crack
German slang:  Pfeife - pipe;
Irish:  Creac – kill
French:  Craque – a tall story, a story full of lies

French slang:  Crac – female genitalia

Scots:  Kracht – wickedness

German:  Krach – a noise, row, arguement, fight
(see Rough Noise)
               Krachen – argument, quarrel (see Confused Warriors)
               krachen - to crash
Dutch:  Verkrachting - rape (see Preying)

Russian:  Kрах (crack) - crash

Polish:  Kraksa – violent car accident
            Pokraka – ugly person (see Ugly Concealments)

English:  Craven - [fr. O.Fr. cravante "defeated," pp. of cravanter, fr. L. crepare'                                              "to crack,creak"]  cowardly; mean spirited
English:  Crazy – [fr. O.N. krasa shatter, 1570s "diseased, sickly," from craze + -y (2).
                          Meaning "full of cracks or flaws" is from 1580s; that of "of unsound
                          mind, or behaving as so" is from 1610s. To drive (someone) crazy is
                          attested by 1873. Phrase crazy like a fox recorded from 1935]

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 27 - Shifting Sands

     Gravel/Flakka - α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone (alpha-pyrrolidinovalerophenone, α-PVP, alpha-PVP, O-2387, β-ketone-prolintane, Prolintanone) is a synthetic stimulant drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost). α-PVP has been reported to be the cause or a significant contributory cause of death in suicides and polydrug overdoses. α-PVP can cause a condition called "excited delirium" that involves hyperstimulation, paranoia, and hallucinations. α-PVP has also been linked to at least one death where it was combined with pentedrone and caused heart failure. Flakka's side effects include: agitation, death, extreme aggression, psychosis, rapid heart rate,
and severe hallucinations. This drug is called "flakka" in Florida, or "gravel" in other parts of the U.S. It is typically manufactured in China, India, or Pakistan and repackaged in gram packets in the U.S., and it is possible to mix it with higher-priced drugs such as heroin (see Black Burning Gloom), cocaine (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost), or crystal methamphetamine (see Crooked Leanings, Snow Jobs & Other Frost). It is reportedly available as cheaply as US$5 per "hit", and Florida has reported a steady rise in α-PVP aka "flakka" use.
"Flakka" is a name similar to the Latin word flacca, the feminine of flaccus meaning 'flabby
(see Fat Man & Little Boy), flaccid, hanging down', as well as the Spanish word flaco/flaca 'skinny' (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost). The Swedish word flakka means 'waver', from Old Norse flaka 'flicker, flutter, hang loose'.
English:  Waver - 1: to sway to and fro; flutter  2: to flicker or quiver, as light  3: become unsteady; begin to fail or give way
                          4: to shake or tremble, as the hands or voice  5: to feel or show doubt, indecision, etc.; vacillate
                          6: (of things) to fluctuate or vary  7: to totter or reel
             Flicker - 1: an unsteady flame or light
             Flutter - 1: to wave, flap, or toss about  2: to flap the wings rapidly  3: to move in quick, irregular motions; vibrate
                      4: to beat rapidly, as the heart  5: to be tremulous or agitated  6: to go with irregular motions or aimless course
                      7: to cause to flutter; vibrate; agitate  8: to throw into nervous or tremulous excitement;
                      cause mental agitation; confuse
Medical dictionary:  Flutter - abnormally rapid pulsation, especially of the atria or ventricles of the heart

English:  1Gravel – loose rounded fragments of rock
              3Gravel – 1: to cover or spread with gravel   2a: to perplex, confound  b: irritate, nettle
                Gravelly – 1: containing gravel   2: a harsh grating sound
                Gravel-blind – having very weak vision
(see Black Burning Gloom)
              2Pebble – 1: to pelt with pebbles
(see Stony)

Australian English:  Pebble - a troublesome or obstinate person or animal

Scots:  Channer/channers – gravel
           Channer – v. to scold fretfully; to grumble;  n. strife, quarrel (see Confused Warriors)

Arabic:   قض QaDa – pierce, bore, break into pieces, crush, pulverize, be rough, crude; to swoop
                                   down, pounce down, descend, to strike, fall, rush, hurl o.s., storm, attack
                                   (see Sheehan v. Rough Noise, Confused Warriors)

              قضة QaD, QaDha – pebbles, g

Gaelic:  Deidas – a pebble (see Stony); toy

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 63-64, 65-66 - Crooked Leanings, Snow Jobs & Other Frost

     "Crank" or "Crystal” Meth or “Ice” (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) are the most common words used to describe Methamphetamine, one of the most addictive and dangerous illegal drugs on the street today. Meth labs have been a tremendous burden on law enforcement since the 1990s. There are now flavored pills containing meth and caffeine that are known as “yaa baa”, a Thai word meaning ‘crazy medicine’. Another nickname for Crystal Meth has also been known as “Crank”. Crank comes from the German/Dutch word Krank meaning ‘sick’, ill, or originally ‘weak’. The following is the exact definition of the English word “Crank”.
English:  Crank – [fr. P.Gmc. base Krank, related to crincan to bend or yield]  1:  a piece of machinery…. 
                          2 informal: an ill tempered or grouchy person   
                          3: an unbalanced  person who is overzealous in the advocacy of private causes, or irrationally fixated 
                          4: an eccentric or whimsical notion 
                          5 slang: Methamphetamine 
                          6 archaic: a bend or turn   
                          7 slang: nasal decongestant used illicitly for its euphoric effects 
English slang:  Crank - modifier 1: Bogus; false  2: Pertaining to methamphetamine  
                                  3: An eccentric person, esp one who is irrationally fixated; nut, freak
                                  4:  A crabby (see Two) person   5: Methamphetamine, a stimulant; speed
             Cranky – 1: ill-tempered, peevish, grouchy  2: full of bends and windings  3: crooked 

                            4: British dialect: sickly, unsound or feeble condition, infirm  5: unstable, shaky, unsteady  
                             i.e. a crank phone call
German:  Krank – sick

Crank comes from the German/Dutch word Krank meaning ‘sick’, ill, or originally ‘weak’

English:  Weak - [c.1300, fr. O.N. veikr "weak," cognate with O.E. wac "weak, pliant, soft," fr. P.Gmc. *waikwaz
                            "yield," *wikanan "bend" (cf. O.S. wek, Swed. vek, M.Du. weec, Du. week "weak, soft, tender,"
                             O.H.G. weih "yielding, soft," Ger. weich "soft," fr. PIE root *weik- "to bend, wind". Sense of
                            "lacking authority" is first recorded early 15c.; that of "lacking moral strength" late 14c.
                             Weak-kneed "wanting in resolve" is from 1870]

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 65-66 - Snow Jobs & Other Frost

     “Crystal” Meth or “Ice” - the most common words used to describe Methamphetamine, one of the most addictive and dangerous and evil illegal drugs on the street today. Meth labs have been a tremendous burden on law enforcement since the 1990s. The drug causes rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, damage to the small blood vessels in the brain--which can lead to stroke, inflammation of the heart lining, scarred or collapsed veins, infections of the heart lining and valves, abscesses, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and liver or kidney disease... and thus make the user's outer appearnce look like complete hell. There are now flavored pills containing meth and caffeine that are known as “yaa baa”, a Thai word meaning ‘crazy medicine’. Another
nickname for crystal Meth has also been known as “Crank”.
Crank comes from the German/Dutch word Krank meaning ‘sick’, ill, or originally ‘weak’.

            1Crystal - [O.E. cristal "clear ice, clear mineral," from O.Fr. cristal (12c., Mod.Fr. crystal),
                             from L. crystallus "crystal, ice," from Gk. krystallos, from kryos "frost,"
                             from PIE base *kru(s)- "hard, hard outer surface" - more at CRUST]
              Crust - [M.E., fr. L. crusta; akin to O.E. hruse earth, Gk. kryos icy cold]  4: impudence, nerve
             Frosty – extreme reserve in manner
             Frost – 2a: coldness of deportment or temperament; an indifferent, reserved, unfriendly manner
                         b: FAILURE
Scots:  Frost – ice; a poor hand at; an ignoramus
(see Stupid Delays)

The Iceman Cometh is a classic 1940 play about a delusional murderer.
Iceman is the arrogant top gun in the 1986 film Top Gun, along with Pete, Hollywood and Wolfman.
The Ice Man is the drug kingpin in the 1990 film Another 48 Hrs.
Ice is the character who becomes the new leader of the Jets after the killing of Bernardo (see Bears of the Wood) in the classic 1957 play West Side Story, who becomes symbolic of the gang’s need for revenge.
The Ice Harvest is a 2005 film about stolen mob money.Commander Grant Frost is the corrupt cop in the 1998 film The Negotiator.

French slang:  Givre – (lit. frosted over) crazy, drunk
(see Drunken Times)

Miranda Frost is the double agent in cahoots with terror in the 2002 film Die Another Day.
Charlie Frost is the radio host who predicts the end of the world in the 2009 film 2012.
Frost is the Vietnam veteran turned doomed vampire in the 1996 film From Dusk til Dawn.
Derek Frost is the mad bombing terrorist in the 2011 film Source Code.

Russian slang:                    
      Смозить глупость -Smorzeet glupost – (lit. to freeze a silly thing) to do or say something stupid

Mr. Freeze is the main antagonist in the 1997 film Batman & Robin, as well as being a longtime villain often seen within Batman comics with the "cold warriors" Icicle II, Killer Frost, and Captain Cold, other villains trying to claim the bounty on Superman and Batman.

The etymology of the word freeze:
The etymology of the word "Freeze" comes form the gothic frus - frost, from the ProtoGermanic freus, equivalent to the ProtoIndoEuropean base preus – to freeze, as well as “to burn”
(see Black Burning Gloom).

Cold is often described as “burning”cold. The Polar opposites black (see Black Burning Gloom) and white share many characteristics.

According to the Semiotic Encyclopaedia, ICE symbolizes rigidity, frigidity, brittleness, or impermanence. Ice represents the gross waters of the earth as opposed to the fresh and living waters of the fountain of Paradise. It also denotes hardness of heart; the coldness and absence of love. Melting Ice is the softening of the hardness of the heart. Spiritually, ice can symbolize a part of ourselves that has become frozen and needs to thaw out before we can progress; the brittleness of not understanding what is around us.

English Idioms:   To put something on ice – to postpone
                         Break the ice – make inroads to communicating
                         Cuts no ice – not impressed or influenced by something

Arabic:  جمود Jamud – frozen state, compact, rigor, rigidity, standstill, inertia, lethargy, apathy.
               جمد Jamada – to freeze, congeal; to be rigid, inflexible in thought
               جمد Jamad – ice

One of the most important films of recent history is the 2005 film Lord of War, a story about Uri Orlov (see Preying) an international arms dealer with cold-hearted ways and an equally cold fate. The name of the ship carrying his instruments of death was the “Kristol”.

Kristel is the thief chasing money in freezing weather who does not know what real love is in the 1993 film Cliffhanger.
Cristol Connors
(see Hasty Hunting) is the cold calculating ice woman in the 1995 film Showgirls.
Crystal Allen is the home wrecking perfume saleswoman who coldly and remorselessly moves from one affair to another in the classic 1939 and remade 2008 film The Women.
Crystal Lake is the place of cold-blooded horror in the 1980 film Friday the 13th.
Crystal is the ruthless slut/scam artist willing to kill for money in the 2000 film Lucky Numbers.
Crystal is the hooker for a conman named Hooker in the classic 1973 film The Sting.
Crystal is a 2004 film about a icy emotions and relations after a car crash destroys a family.    
The Bird with the Crystal Plumage is a 1970 film about an icy serial killer.

Found within Chapters 46-49 - Black Buning Gloom

   Burning the Green (see Blue Yellow Green) of Marijuana/Burning One's Tree (see Three) - a sure way to fall into duller colors and have less aptitide and abilities to be truly happy. Though legalizing marijuana will hinder wicked cartels and give them one less poison to sell, we need to share the real dangers of going the soft easy route of smoking "pot" (see Drunken Times)/"reefer" (see Preying, Crooked Leanings)/"weed" (see Ugly Concealments)/"blunts" (see Stupid Delays)/"dope" (see Stupid Delays) and using other destructful drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost). Do not ingest smoke (see Black Burning Gloom) of any kind
nor the processed versions of marijuana like hash (see Butchers) oils and candy (see Shifting Sands) and brown edibles (see Black Burning Gloom). Anyone who associates this dangerous double serrated leaf (see Butchers) with the color green are idiots. It is green if you eat the male plant, the plant that is not toxic like the female plant which has the potent red (see America in the Red) and purple (see American Royals) that when burned make someone "stoned" (see Stony) aka "baked" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "blind" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "high" (see American Royals). Lazy idiots ... you are what you eat - if you need to play with this shit or what you falsely call green .. have some balls and just eat the male plant. Artificial unearned highs llike using cannABYSS (see In a Hole) lead to the opposite extreme - depression, slowness, and deaths.

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 50-51 - In a Hole

  Canabyss - another word for marijuana/pot (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom). Don't burn your tree/green (see Blue Yellow Green). Canabyss is a deceptive and dangerous drug that needs to be properly spoken about given the liberalization of marijuana laws. Marijuana is getting more and more potent in a dangerous way. The leniency toward various kinds of dope/narcotics (see Stupid Delays) betrays our duty to properly inform our children. Getting "stoned" (see Stony), "wasted" (see Heathens, Harry Lays Waste), "baked" (see Black Burning Gloom, Fat Man & Little Boy), etc... is soft and
lame. Best to get "high" (see American Royals) on hard efforts that challenge the complete body mind and soul. Don't shoot out your light and burn your green tree! Best to leave this slow and lazy substance to those who are sick. Drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) are basically for sick or imbalanced people. Practice good habits (see The Man) and exist within and between the 2 poles (see Two). Unsustainable highs lead to inevitable lows. One extreme begets another.
English:  Abyss - [fr.1350–1400; earlier abisse, ME abissus < L.L. abyssus < Gk. ábyssos bottomless,
                          equiv. to a- a-6 + byssós bottom of the sea]
                          1: a deep, immeasurable space, gulf, or cavity; vast chasm
                          2: anything profound, unfathomable, or infinite
                          3: the primal chaos before Creation. the infernal regions; hell.
                          a subterranean ocean.
             Abysmal - 1: immeasurable  2: extremely bad

English:  Chaos - ["gaping void," from L. chaos, from Gk. khaos "abyss, that which gapes wide open, is vast and empty"]

Arabic: سحق  Sahaqa – to crush, pulverize, annihilate, wipe out, destroy; be distant, far, remote,  
                                     the vastness of an abyss, long past time; to be bruised
           مساحقة muSaahaqa - lesbianism

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 50-51 - In a Hole

  Hemp/Hempen - hemp is the male plant of cannabis. The female version of hemp is commonly called marijuana. It is this female marijuana plant of cannabis that is the more potent drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost). Marijuana/pot (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom) has red (see America in the
Red) and purple (see American Royals) hairs as well as white crystals (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost). To accurately portray this double serrated leaved (see Butchers) weed (see Ugly Concealments), hemp would have the leaf pointing upwards, while marijuana should have the leaf pointing downwards from the pressure of the buds weighing down the leaves. Both plants have an appearnce of spears emanating out of a stalk. DO NOT BE DECEIVED by the growing number of mendacious portrayals of hemp/marijuana for it truly is a gateway drug and yes it is addictive (see American Prisons). It is a gateway to a hell where one loses brain power due to decreased blood flow to the brain. It is a gateway to not being able to optimize and reach your physical and mental potential. It is a gateway to fomenting other imbalances that keep one from discovering how to live with sustainable highs. Too many people who started with pot at young ages end up hooked on other drugs leading to unconscious suicides and then conscious suicides. The opiate (see Drunken Times) problem of today is a result of introducing people to drugs. The punks who celebrate hemp/marijuana are nothing but drug pushing opportunists looking to get "stoned" (see Stony) aka "baked" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "fried" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "wasted" (see Heathens) aka "blind" (see Black Burning Gloom), for the few "industrial uses" of hemp are insignificant. WHAT IS AMAZING is that the word Hemp has only one other word associated with it - Hempen - a longtime association to the "hangman's noose". Follow the Signs.
English:  1Hempen - ["made of hemp," late 14c., from hemp + -en (2). In many figurative expressions 15c.-19c.
                              it is in reference to the hangman's noose.]  
                              adj. 1: of, like, or pertaining to hemp  2: made of hemp
             2Hempen - the hangman's noose
             Hemp - n. 1: Also calledmarijuana. a tall, coarse plant, Cannabis sativa, cultivated in many parts of the world
                            and is the source of a valuable fiber as well as drugs such as marijuana and hashish (see Butchers)
                            Compare cannabis.  2: the tough fiber of this plant, used for making rope, coarse fabric, etc.
                            3: any of various plants resembling hemp  4: any of various fibers similar to hemp
                            5: a narcotic
(see Stupid Delays) drug, as marijuana or hashish, prepared from the hemp plant

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 29, 65-66 - Ugly Concealments, Snow Jobs & Other Frost

    "Weed" as a top slang word for Marijuana/Pot (see Drunken Times) - today's marijuana is more potent than ever. It is not natural let alone healthy for the lungs to ingest smoke (see Black Burning Gloom). Any lenient attitiudes toward this drug are very deceptive and do young people a huge disservice. Consistent evidence over decades of research shows that marijuana makes people stupid and dopey (see Stupid Delays). The brain and body cannot function at its untapped potential when marijuana is within someone's system. People need to start viewing drugs as basically for sick or imbalanced people. Best to get natural highs from exercizing/exorcizing the demons and looking to give to others rather than taking a "hit". Dont burn your tree ... dont burn that green (see Blue Yellow Green).
English:  1Weed - ["plant not valued for use or beauty," Old English weod, uueod "grass, herb, weed," from Proto-Germanic
                       *weud- (cf. Old Saxon wiod, East Frisian wiud), of unknown origin. Meaning "tobacco" is from c.1600; that
                        of "marijuana" is from 1920s]  1: a valueless plant growing wild, especially one that grows on cultivated
                        ground to the exclusion or injury of the desired crop  2: any undesirable or troublesome plant, especially one
                        that grows profusely where it is not wanted  3: Informal. a cigarette or cigar  4:Slang. a marijuana cigarette  
                        5: a thin, ungainly person or animal  6: a wretched or useless animal, especially a horse unfit for racing or
                        breeding purposes  7: the weed a: Informal. tobacco  b: Slang. marijuana

              2Weed - 1: weeds, mourning garments
 (see Black Burning Gloom)  2: a mourning band of black crepe or cloth
English:  Weedy - 1: full of or abounding in weeds  2: consisting of or pertaining to weeds  3: (of a plant, flower, etc.)
                             growing poorly or in a straggling manner  4: (of a person or animal) scrawny, very thin
(see Snow Jobs
                             & Other Frost)
or ungainly

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 44 - Butchers

   The Double Serrated edges of Marijuana - the most obvious serrated edge compared to most plants, and to my knowledge, the only or most notable double serrated edge of a plant. Google "serrated" and you get pictures of knives. Marijuana/pot (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom) aka cannabis/cannABYSS (see In a Hole) aka reefer (see Preying, Crooked Leanings) aka dope (see Stupid
Delays) etc... is a very dangerous drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost). The concentrated form of this more potent than ever weed (see Ugly Concealments) is hashish (see Butchers), a word that goes back to an Arabic word for 'cutting' and an 'assassin'. The facts are that using marijuana reduces blood flow to the brain, debilitates your abiltiy to reach your physical and mental potential aka evolve, and cuts up every aspect of your life. Once again, Google the word "serrated" and you get pictures of knives. Google serrated leaves and you mainly get marijuana leaves, the most obvious and popular serrated edged leaf.
English:  Serrated - having a notched edge or sawlike teeth, especially for cutting; serrate
             Serrate - [from Latin serratus "sawlike, notched like a saw," from serra "a saw"]
                            1: (of leaves) having a margin of forward pointing teeth
                            2: having a notched or sawlike edge
              Saw - a tool or device for cutting, typically a thin blade of metal with a series of sharp teeth

English:  Knife - 5: to attempt to defeat or undermine in a secret or underhanded way
English idioms:  Twist the knife - to make a bad situation worse in a deliberately malicious way
                        The knives are out for someone - people are determined to harm or put a stop to someone

German: Messer - knive
German idioms:  Bis auf Messer - (lit. to the knives) to the bitter end
                            ans Messer liefern  -  (literally to deliver the knife) to betray

English:  Maim – [c.1300, maimen, fr. Old French mahaignier "injure, wound, muitilate, cripple (see Crooked Leanings),
                         disarm," fr. Vulgar Latin *mahanare (cf. Provençal mayanhar, Italian magagnare), or possibly fr. a
                         Germanic source, fr. Proto-Germanic *mait- (cf. Old Norse meiða "to hurt," related to mad (adj.)), or
                         fr. PIE root *mai- "to cut."]

Arabic:   فر? Fairy – to mince, chop, split, cut; to invent lyingly, trump up (see Trump's Reality), slander, libel, caluminate
              مفراة mFrah – meat grinder, mincer

The Arabic مفراة mFrah comes from the verb root stem فر? Fariy.

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 44, 63-64 - Butchers, Snow Jobs & Other Frost

   Hashish – the narcotic hashish, made from marijuana/pot (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom), inspired the word assassin. In Arabic it was originally Hashshash, referring to a person who smoked or ate this substance. During the Crusades, small groups of fanatic Muslims who attacked invading Christian armies were called Hashshashin in reference to smoking hash. Over time, the word came to be applied to any person who carried out secret attacks on others. Illegal narcotics (see Stupid Delays) are lame and are for the most part for sick or imbalanced people.. which would include most Americans. The fact is there are numerous ways to get natural highs, or better said natural balance, like various forms of exercise or helping others than using drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost). Hash or "shit' as it is referred to in many countries is a dirty habit that destroys the brain. Period.!
The two written about etymologies of hash are from the Arabicc for 'dry' and Arabic 'to cut'.
English:  Hash - [also hasheesh, 1590s, from Arabic hashish "powdered hemp," extended from sense "herbage, hay,"
                          from hashsha "it became dry, it dried up"
(see Sbow Jobs & Other Frost)]
Arabic:   حش Hash – to mow, cut; smoke hashish
           حشاش Hashash – last breath, last spark of life
           حشاش Hashaash – hash addict
Old French:  Hache – axe, battleaxe
English:  1Hash – [fr. O.Fr. hach battleaxe]  1a: to chop into pieces  b: CONFUSE, MUDDLE
(see Quagmires)
              2Hash – 1: chopped food  2: a restatement of something that is already known  3:
                             HODEPODGE, JUMBLE
(see Stupid Delays)
              3Hash – HASHISH
                Hashish – [fr. Arabic hashsha it became dry (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost), it dried up]          
              Hatchet – [fr. M.Fr. Hachette, dim pf hache battleaxe – more at HASH]  2: TOMAHAWK
                             4: to cut, destroy, kill, etc...  
English Idioms:  Bury the hatchet - to become reconciled or reunited; make peace.
                        Take up the hatchet - to begin or resume hostilities; prepare for or go to war
(see Sheehan v. Rough Noise, Confused Warriors)
             Hatchet-man – 1: one hired for murder, coercion, or attack ; ASSASSIN  2: a writer
                           specializing in invective without regard to personal scruples and often on orders
                           from an employer, or a journalist who attacks the reputation of an official
Scots:  Hash – n.  a mess, muddle
(see Quagmires); a confused mass; a great crash; careless, wasteful use;
(see Sheehan v. Rough Noise) tumult, riotous strife; nonsense (see Stupid Delays);
                            ribaldry; a wasteful slovenly person; a foolish nonsensical person
(see Stupid Delays);
                            a blockhead; a scamp; a vulgar term of endearment for a boy 
                       v.  to slash; to damage’ destroy; to bruise, ill treat, abuse; to make a mess of
(see Quagmires)
German slang:  Hascherl - pitiable creature

French slang:  Zéro - 1: zero  2:  high grade hashish
                     Les avoir à zéro - (literally to have a zero) to be very afraid
(see Ugly Concealments)

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 9-12, 46-49, 50-51, 52-57 - Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom, In a Hole, Quagmires

    Pot - a common slang term for marijuana. America has truly gone to pot. This weed (see Ugly Concealments) has spread like wildfire and is more potent than ever.and is consumed in more forms. This reefer (see Preying, Crooked Leanings) madness is a menace to young inexperienced impressionable bodies and minds. The new and forever growing edible forms are nothing but legalized tranquilizers that severly impair a user. FACTS are marijuna reduces blood flow to the brain and slowly makes you uglier and less able to change. The inhalation of burning (see Black Burning Gloom) substances like pot marijuana is not good for you! It is called "dope" (see Stupid Delays) for a reason. Don't burn the green (see Blue Yellow Green).
English:  Pot - [1935–40, Americanism; said to be a shortening of Mexican Spanish
                      potiguaya or potaguaya, apparently a contraction of potación de guaya                      
                     "wine or brandy in which marijuana buds have been steeped" literally "drink                        
                      of grief"
(see Black Burning Gloom)]  cannabis used as a drug in any form                        
                      such as hemp leaves or resin hashish
(see Butchers)

Dutch:  Pot - lesbian
(see Woods Boys), dyke (see Quagmires), gay (see Drunken Times)

Pott is a English topographic name for someone who lived by a depression in the ground, from Middle English pot ‘drinking or storage vessel’ used in this transferred sense, or a habitational name from one of the minor places deriving their name from this word, in the sense ‘pit’, ‘hole' (see In a Hole). Pott is also English and North German (Lower Rhine-Westphalia) metonymic occupational name for a potter, from Middle English, Middle Low German pot ‘pot’, or a North German: topographic name for someone living on a low-lying plot, from Low German dialect pot ‘puddle’ (see Quagmires).
fEnglish:  1Pool – [fr. Germ. Pfuhl] 1: a small standing body of water; pond 
                            2: a still deep place in a stream or brook 
                            3: puddle
             Cesspool - 1: a cistern, well, or pit for retaining the sediment of a drain or for receiving the sewage
                              from a house 2: any filthy receptacle or place  3: any place of moral filth or immorality

 1Puddle – [M.E. podel; akin to M.L.G. pudel puddle, O.E. pudd ditch
(see In a Hole)
                               1: a very small pool of  usu. dirty or muddy water 

Gaelic:  Lubach – a dub, marsh, pool
             Lubach – deceitful, meandering

English:  Futz – (v) to spend time in idleness; (n) a fool, simpleton (see Stupid Delays)
German:  Pfütze - puddle

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 9-12, 44 - Drunken Times, Butchers

    Kief - (pronounced [keːf, ki(ː)f]; from Arabic كيف (kayf), meaning ' pleasure, intoxication'), sometimes transliterated as keef or kif, refers to the resinous trichomes of cannabis/cannABYSS (see In a Hole) that may accumulate in containers or be sifted from loose, dry cannabis flower with a mesh screen or sieve. Using a three-chamber herb grinder the cannabis can be finely ground while letting kief crystals fall through a screen and collect into a small compartment. Kief contains a much higher concentration of psychoactive cannabinoids, such as THC, than that of the cannabis flowers from which it is derived. Traditionally, kief has been pressed into cakes of hashish (see Butchers) for convenience in storage, but can be vaporized or smoked (see
Black Burning Gloom) in either form. After the kief is collected it is heated and pressurized, which turns it into hashish. Do not burn that green (see Blue Yellow Green). Avoid ingesting the purple (see American Royals) and red (see America in the Red) hairs of the trumped up female marijuana plant. Brown forms of marijuana like kief and hash and bhang and golee (a word meaning pill or bullet) and charas are cooked, and much like brown foods (see Black Burning Gloom), are devoid of good nutitional value. If you are a purist within nutrition, you will only eat marijuana raw and not cook (see Black Burning Gloom) it down to hyped up and dangerous forms that are more potent than ever, only to burn it and ingest smoke. Healthy people ingest authentic color (see Three, Four and Five). Pathetic lazy "takes" of drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) are not earned and sustainable highs. Live for pleasure and you will experience pain. Kief is poison (see Butchers).
Arabic: كيف (Kayf) - pleasure, intoxication
English:  Intoxicate - ["to poison," mid-15c., from Medieval Latin intoxicatus, past participle of intoxicare "to poison,"
                               from Latin in- "in" + toxicare "to poison," from toxicum "poison" (see toxic). Meaning "make drunk"
                               f irst recorded 1570s]

English:  Toxic - [Late Latin toxicus poisonous, adj. derivative of Latin toxicum poison < Greek toxikón
                         (orig. short for toxikòn phármakon literally, bow poison, i.e., poison used on arrows
 (see Bolts and Arrows)]  
                        1: of, pertaining to, affected with, or caused by a toxin or poison
                        2: acting as or having the effect of a poison; poisonous
                        3: causing unpleasant feelings; harmful or malicious
English:  Poison - v. ["to give poison to; kill with poison," c.1300, fr. Old French poisonner "to give to drink"
                               and directly from poison (n.)]

             Poison - n. [c.1200, "a deadly potion or substance," also figuratively, from Old French poison, puison (12c.,
                              Modern French poison) "a drink," especially a medical drink, later "a (magic) potion, poisonous
                              drink" (14c.), from Latin potionem "a drinking, a drink," also "poisonous drink" (Cicero), from potare
                             "to drink" (see potion). For form evolution from Latin to French, cf. raison from rationem. The more
                              usual Indo> European word for this is represented in English by virus (see Quagmires). The Old English
                              word was ator (see attercop)or lybb. Slang sense of "alcoholic drink" first attested 1805]  
                              1: a substance with an inherent property that tends to destroy life or impair health  
                              2: something harmful or pernicious, as to happiness or well-being: the poison of slander  
                              3: Slang. any variety of alcoholic liquor: Name your poison! (see Drunken Times)

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 6, 14, 63-64 - Lions Against Islam, Preying, Crooked Leanings

    Reefer - a top word used for marijuana/pot (see Drunken Times). The inhalation of burning smoke (see Black Burning Gloom) substances like pot marijuana is not good for you! Consuming this "dope" (see Stupid Delays) in any form will reduce blood flow to your brain and make you slower and stupider/debilitates your abiltiy to reach your physical and mental potential aka evolve. Sadly, Ameica is experiencing a Reefer Madness never envsioned by the strictest critics of the past, that is rooted in selling (see Mad Money), and thereby deceiving young and inexperienced people in completely detestable and criminal ways. The wicked spins coming from this corrupt industry must be fought for the sake of our children. Reefer aka cannABYSS (see In a Hole) is also called "the
smoke of oblivion". Do not mess with this double serrated leaf (see Butchers) nor any form of it like hashish (see Butchers). Do not burn your tree/green (see Blue Yellow Green) for you will surely spiral and spin. Drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) are soft, lame and passive activities that are basically for very sick or imbalanced people. 99.99% of the users of drugs do not need them. Seek hard cold truth means to bring sustainable "highs" (see Ameircan Royals) like exercise, hard work, and doing for others. Do not become a victim of the current Reefer Madness and the pieces of shit who attempt to make money off you for this weed (see Ugly Concealments) truly is the Devil's weed.
English:  Reefer - ["marijuana cigarette," 1920s, perhaps an alteration of Mex.Sp.
                             grifo "marijuana, drug addict;" fr. Mexican Spanish grifa; see
                             griefo-] marijuana cigarette
             Griefo/greefo - slang. [Mexican Spanish grifa; compare grifo marijuana
                               user, apparently the same word as grifo curly-haired, kinky,
                               tap, spigot, griffin
(see Preying)] marijuana cigarette
              Curly - 1: tending to curl; curling  
Australian/New Zealand English:  Curly - difficult to counter or answer: a curly question

English:  Curl - [fr. M.Du. krul "curly," from P.Gmc. *krusl-, E.Fris. krull "lock of hair"]
                     1: to form into coils or ringlets, as the hair  2: to form into a spiral or curved shape; coil
                     3: to adorn with, or as with, curls or ringlets  4: to move in a curving or twisting manner   
                     5: to become curved or undulated  6: to coil  7: to play at the game of curling
                     8: to progress in a curving direction or path; move in a curving or spiraling way
                     10: any of various plant diseases characterized by curling of the leaves
English idiom:  Curl one's / the hair - to fill with horror or fright; shock
English:  Curve – [fr. L. curvus crooked, curved, bent, fr. PIE base ker to turn, bend]
English:  2Bend – [fr. O.E. bend fetter] 1; to strain or constrain to tension  2a: to turn from straight
                       to curved .. c: to force from a proper shape  4: to make submissive : SUBDUE  5a:
                       to cause to turn from a straight course   vi to curve out of a straight line or position
              3Bend – 3: caisson disease <a case of the ~ >  Around the bend – MAD, CRAZY
British English:  Bent – morally crooked, corrupt; stolen; homosexual

English:  Spiral - [1551, from M.Fr. spiral, from M.L. spiralis "winding, coiling" (1255), from L. spira
                         "coil," from Gk. speira "coil, twist, wreath," from PIE *sper- "to turn, twist."]
English:  Twist – [M.E. twisten to divide, fr. O.E. –twist rope; akin to M.Du. twisten quarrel, twine,
                       O.E. twa two (see Two)]  1a: to unite by winding..  3a: to to wring or wrench so as to
                       dislocate or distort; esp :  sprain  b: to alter the meaning of : PERVERT .. f: to form in
                       a spiral shape  g: to debase or falsify deviously : DISTORT  h: to make one’s way in
                       a winding or devious manner to a destination or objective   vi 1: to follow a
                       winding course  : SNAKE …
                Twisty – (1970s slang)  attractively feminine, from twist (1928) girl
                Twisted – ["perverted, mentally strange," 1900, fr. twist (n.) in a sense of "mental peculiarity,
                           perversion" first attested 1811]  slang for eccentric, crazy, misrepresented, perverted

English:  Kink - [fr. Du. kink "twist in a rope"]  1: a sharp twist or bend in a wire, rope,
                        hair, etc...  2: a crick in the neck or similar muscular spasm  3: a flaw or
                        minor difficulty in some undertaking or project  4: a flaw or idiosyncrasy
                         of personality; quirk  5: informal ( Brit ) a sexual deviation
A Griffin /Gryphon is a bird of prey who is part eagle/vulture (see Preying) and part lion (see Lions Against Islam).
The eagle is among the most notable birds of prey (see Hawk's Havoc).
English:  Eagle – [fr. L. aguila dark colored]  1: any of various large diurnal birds of prey..

English:  Prey - ["animal hunted for food," fr. O.Fr. preie "booty, animal taken in the chase" (mid-12c.), fr. L. praeda
                     "booty plunder, game hunted (see Hasty Hunting)," earlier praeheda, related to prehendere "to grasp, seize".
                       The verb meaning "to plunder (see Roving), pillage, ravage" is attested fr. late 13c., fr. O.Fr. preer, earlier
                       preder (c.1040), fr. L.L. praedare. Its sense of "to kill and devour" is attested fr. mid-14c.] n.  1: an animal
                       hunted or seized for food, especially by a carnivorous animal   2: a person or thing that is the victim of an
                       enemy, a swindler, a disease, etc.; gull   3: the action or habit of preying: a beast of prey   4: Archaic .
                       booty or plunder   v.  5: to seize and devour prey, as an animal does (usually followed by on or upon )  
                       6: to make raids or attacks for booty or plunder  7: to make a victim (of others), as by profiting at their
                       expense   8: to exert a harmful or destructive influence   9: to victimize another or others

German:  greifen – to grab, grasp, seize
               Greife – griffon
               Greifvogel – bird of prey
               Greifer – (slang) shoplifter

English:  1Griffin - [1300–50; Middle English griffoun < Middle French grifon < Latin gr?phus < Greek gr?p- (stem of
                             gr?´ps ) curled, curved, having a hooked nose; hooked
(see Crooked Leanings)]  a fabled monster
                             having the head and wings of an eagle
(see Preying) and the body of a lion (see Lions Against Islam)

German slang:  Griffeln – to be greedy, grasping

"'These are the birds you are to detest and not eat because they are detestable: the EAGLE, the GRIFFON, the black VULTURE, the osprey"...  Leviticus 11:13

"Of all clean birds you shall eat. But these are they of which you shall not eat: the eagle, GRIFFON, ossifrage, and the ospray. And the glede, and the kite (see Hawk's Havoc), and the vulture after his kind ."   Deuteronomy 14:11-13

“The beast looked like a LEOPARD, with feet like a bear and the mouth of a LION”.   Revelation 13:2
“ the wicked are like LIONS …eager to… lurking in ambush   Psalm 17:12, Psalm 7:2, 22:13, 21
“burst from hiding emerging from a thicket or forest”   Jeremiah 49:19, 50:44, 25:38, Job 38:40, Jeremiah 5:6, 12:8
“On through the badlands they go, where LIONS and swift venomous snakes live.”    Isaiah 30:6
“My people have roared at me like a LION of the forest, so I have treated them as though I hate them.”    Jeremiah 12:8
Your ‘prophets’ have plotted against you like LIONS stalking prey.” They devour many lives, they seize treasures and extort wealth …”   Ezekiel 22:24

“Experience teaches that it is those who sow sin and trouble who harvest the same. They die beneath the hand of God. Though they are fierce as young LIONS, they shall be broken and destroyed.”    Job 4:8-11
“He will rescue me from these liars who are so intent upon destroying me. I am surrounded by fierce LIONS–hotheads whose teeth are sharp as spears and arrows. Their tongues are like swords.”    Psalms 57: 3-4
“They are pitiless and arrogant. Listen to their boasting. They close in on me and are ready to throw me to the ground. They are like LIONS eager to tear me apart, like young lions hiding and waiting their chance.”   Psalms 17:10

The Kingdom of the Antichrist

“The beast looked like a LEOPARD, with feet like a bear’s feet and a mouth like a LION'S mouth”
A Dragon encouraged this Creature with bear’s feet and a LION'S mouth “to speak blasphemies against the Lord…to rule over all nations and language groups throughout the world.”   Revelation 13:2-8

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 28 - Battering Cocks

   "Taking a Hit" as a top slang word within Drug circles - aka getting "stoned" (see Stony) aka "baked" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "fried" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "wasted" (see Heathens) aka "blind" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "high" (see American Royals), aka ... Learn to take a real hit.
English slang:  Taking a "Hit" - a drag off a marijuana (see Drunken Times) or
other drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost)
English:  Hit - [...
underworld slang meaning "to kill by plan" is 1955. To hit the bottle
                     "drink alcohol" is from 1889]   1: to deal a blow or stroke to  2: to come

                      against with an impact or collision, as a missile (see Greedy Spears), a
                      weapon, a blow, or the like, as one throwing, shooting
(see American Guns)
or striking   4: knock, bump   etc... v. 19:  to strike with a missile,
                      a weapon, or the like; deal a blow or blows  20: to come into collision
                      (often followed by against, on, or upon )  21: Slang. to kill; murder

English slang:  Take a hit - to inhale or inject a drug
                      To hit - a kill from a contract killer

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 23 - Foxes

    "Skunk" Bud/Weed - a top marijuana/pot (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom) with the highly potent psychoactive constituent of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Skunk refers to a subset of sativa-dominant Cannabis strains. It is popular for its skunk spray smell, hence the name skunk. Most Skunk Buds/Weed (see Ugly Concealments) are grown hydroponically and thus have an unnatural
concentration of THC. Pictured here is a typical Skunk Bud. Notice the red hairs (see America in the Red), a sign of potency.
English:  Skunk - [1625–35, Americanism; < the Massachusett reflex of Proto-Algonquian
                             *šeka·kwa (derivative of *šek- urinate + -a·kw fox, foxlike animal; 1634,
                             squunck, from a southern New England Algonquian language (probably
                             Abenaki) seganku, from Proto-Algonquian */eka:kwa/, from */ek-/ "to urinate"
                             + */-a:kw/ "fox." As an insult, attested from 1841.]  
                            1: any of various American musteline mammals of the subfamily Mephitinae, esp
                             Mephitis mephitis ( striped skunk ), typically having a black and white coat and
                             bushy tail: they eject an unpleasant-smelling fluid from the anal gland when attacked
                             2: informal a despicable person; a thoroughly contemptible person
                             3: slang a strain of cannabis smoked for its exceptionally powerful psychoactive properties

The English word "reek' comes from Germanic words for "smoke".

English:  1Reek – 1: smoke  (see Black Burning Gloom)  2: vapor, fog  3: a strong or disagreeable fume or odor
              2Reek – 1: to emit smoke or vapor  2: to give off or become permeated
                            with a strong or offensive odor.    reeker – n.,  reeky adj.
English Idiom:  To reek havoc – to cause wide and general destruction, confusion, disorder, ruin

In many national traditions, the FOX is an animal symbolizing cunning and trickey. Its reddish coat (see America in the Red) is suggestive of fire (see Black Burning Gloom), which places it (like the lynx and squirrel) among the Devil’s followers. In ancient Rome it was a fire demon. In Norse myth the fox was the symbolic animal of the trickster Loki.

The following is how a top encyclopedia of symbol s defines the FOX:
Slyness; cunning; hypocrisy; craftiness; guile. Amerindian: Cunning; craftiness, trickery. Chinese: craftiness; powers of transformation; ghosts of dead souls. Christian: The Devil, the deceiver; cunning; guile; fraud. Feigning death to trap its preyit is the treachery and strategems of Satan. Spoiling the vines signifies the actions of heretics and enemies of the Church.

The FOX was a common symbol for the devil during the Middle Ages expressive of base attitudes and of the wiles of the adversary. In Christianity foxes symbolize the cunning of the Devil and are associated with heresy and trickery. In Chinese and Korean mythology fox spirits are known for their deception and cunning. In China and Japan they are worshipped as bringers of wealth, and thought to have power to transform themselves into women. In China it was thought that after 1000 years they turned into celestial foxes with nine tails, which could become manifest as dangerously attractive women. The Celts associated foxes with the Devil and the witches who could change into foxes. In Japanese culture they were also believed to be witch animals and commonly thought to be responsible for possessing people and causing mental illness.

The English word Shenanigan – a deceitful confidence trick or mischief,
is considered to be derived from the Irish expression “sionnachuighim” meaning “I play the fox”.

English slang:  Fox-drunk – intoxicated
                       Fox-head – homebrewed alcohol
                       Foxed – intoxicated with alcohol
(see Drunken Times)
                       “Crazy like a fox” – crafty while appearing dumb

French:  Renard – fox, cunning devil
French Proverb:  Avec le renard, on renarde – with the fox, one deceives (tromperie).

Portuguese slang:  Raposa – (literally a fox) sneaky; to fail an exam, a thief
                              Raposar – to not go to school, play truant (see Woods Boys)

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 61 - Fat Man & Little Boy

    "Fatty" as slang for a Marijuana or Pot (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom) cigarette (see Black Burning Gloom) - a deceptive and dangerous drug that needs to be properly spoken about given the liberalization of marijuana laws. Marijuana is getting more and more potent in a dangerous way. Best to leave this slow and lazy substance to those who are sick. Drugs are basically for sick or imbalanced people.
English slang:  a "Fatty" - a marijuana or pot cigarette
English:  Fat - 1: having too much flabby tissue ...  2: excessively rich   
                       3: dull, stupid  
(see Stupid Delays)
English idiom:  Fat chance - not a good chance or possibility of happening

Italian idioms:  Pancia - belly
           Grattarsi la pancia - (to scratch the belly) to twiddle one's thumbs
            Stare in panciolle - (literally to stay in in the belly) to loll about
(see Stupid Delays)

Gaelic:  Tòic – swelling in the body or face from easy living (see Mad Money)
             Toic – wealth, wealth that puffs up; gluttony, luxury (see American Royals)

German:  Bauch – belly, gluttony
               Bauchmensh – somebody guided more by feeling than intellect

German idiom:  In den Magen haben (literally to have in the stomach) to be angry (see Black Burning Gloom)

French slang:  Tete de lard – (literally a fathead) stubborn person (see Stupid Delays)

Russian:  Чрево - Chrevo – belly
               Чревоугодеа - Chrevougodeea – gluttony

“But Israel was soon overfed;
Then, in plenty, they forsook their God.”  Deuteronomy 32: 15

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 70 - Hairy Delays

     Roachs - the butts of marijuana/pot (see Druken Times, Black Burning Gloom) cigarettes (see Black Burning Gloom). Ashes to ashes .. fools.
English:  Roach - 1: a cockroach  2: Slang. the butt of a marijuana cigarette
             Cockroach - [fr. Spanish cucaracha “woodlouse”]  any of numerous orthopterous insects
                               of the family Blattidae, characterized by a flattened body, rapid movements,
                                and nocturnal habits and including several common household pests

English slang:  Cockroach - an unhygienic person or a member of a group of people regarded as
                                             unhygienic or rapidly procreating
English:  Louse - 1: any wingless bloodsucking insect all of which infest man  2: parasites of
                      birds and mammals with biting mouthparts   3: any of various similar but unrelated
                      insects 4: slang an unpleasant or mean person; a contemptible person, especially
                      an unetical unethical one  5: to remove lice from  6: Louse up, to spoil; botch, ruin,
                      spoil, foll up
              1Bug - 1: any insect or insectlike invertebrate  2: any microorganism, especially a virus
                          3a: fan or enthusiast  b: a craze or obsession  4: a defect or imperfection, as in a
                          mechanical device, computer program, or plan; a glitch   5: to install a secret
                          listening device  6: to bother; annoy; pester

             Bugger - [sodomite, fr. M.E. bougre <Anglo-French bugre < Medieval Latin Bulgarus heretic, literally Bulgarian,
                           perhaps by reanalysis as 1Bug or 2Bug + -er]  1: a fellow or lad  2: any object or thing  3: a sodomite  
                          4 Chiefly British Slang: a: despicable or contemptible person, especially a man  b: an annoying or
                          troublesome thing, situation, etc.  5: to sodomize  6 Slang: damn  7 Chiefly British Slang: to trick,
                          deceive, or take advantage of   8 Slang: to tire; weary  9 Slang interj.: an exclamation of annoyance
             Bugger off - piss off, get lost
             Bugger up - to ruin, spoil, botch
             Play silly buggers - to fool around and waste time
(see Stupid Delays)
           2Buggy -1: infested with bugs  2 Slang: crazy: insane; peculiar
           3Bug – 1 obs: BOGY/BOGEY, BUGBEAR  2a: an insect or other creeping or crawling invertebrate 
                        b: any of several insects commonly considered esp. obnoxious as (1) BEDBUG  (2) COCKROACH
                       (3) HEADLOUSE  c any of an order …and are often economic pests  3: an unexpected defect,
                        fault, flaw, or imperfection  4: a disease producing germ; also : a disease caused by it
            4Bug – 1: BOTHER, ANNOY  2: plant a concealed microphone
            1Bughouse – an insane asylum
             2Bughouse – mentally deranged : CRAZY
English slang:  Bug – 3: any fault or defect in a machine  17: an insane person
                      Bugging or Buggin – irrational behavior
                      Bugjuice – liquor, esp. inferior whiskey; rotgut
(see Drunken Times)

       Humbug – 1: something designed to deceive and mislead  b: a person who passes himself as something that he is not
                          2: an attitude or spirit of pretense and deception  3: drivel, nonsense syn. see IMPOSTURE
English:  Litterbug - a person who litters public places with items of refuse

English:  Insect – 3: a trivial or contemptible person

Spanish slang:  Bicho – (literally a bug, insect) – a dose of LSD
(see Drunken Times)
Spanish: 1Bicho – bug, insect
               2Bicho – Ugh! Yuck!

Spanish slang:  Bacha - marijuana/cigarette butt, roach
                       Bachata - fuss, ruckus, disorder
                       Bachatero - hell raiser

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 67-69 - Stupid Delays

    "Blunt" - is a cigar (see Black Burning Gloom) which is wider than a cigarillo and not quite as wide as a Corona, as well as slang for a marijuana cigarette or barbiturates.
English slang:  Blunt – barbiturates, marijuana cigarette
                       Blunted – intoxicated with marijuana
(see Drunken Times) or hashish (see Butchers)
English:  Blunt  - 1: slow or deficient in feeling, insensitive, obtuse in understanding or discernment;
                            dull   2: having an edge that is not sharp, abrupt in speech or manner, aggressively
                            outspoken, straight to the point 
Scots:  Blunt - a stupid fellow   
English:  Sloth - [late 12c., "indolence, sluggishness," formed fr. M.E. slou, slowe (see slow); replacing O.E. slæwð.
                         Sense of "slowness, tardiness" is fr. mid-14c. As one of the deadly sins, it translates L. accidia. The
                         slow-moving mammal first so called 1610s, a translation of Port. preguiça, fr. L. pigritia "laziness"]
                         Sloth is among the 7 deadly sins
              Slow - [O.E. slaw "inactive, sluggish," also "not clever," fr. P.Gmc. *slæwaz (cf. O.S. sleu "blunt, dull," M.Du.
                     slee, Du. sleeuw "sour, tart, blunt," O.H.G. sleo "blunt, dull," O.N. sljor, Dan. sløv, Swed. slö "blunt, dull")]

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 67-69 - Stupid Delays 

    Bongs - water pipes used for smoking drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) like marijuana/pot (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom), hashish (see Butchers), and other diabolical drugs like crack (see American Guns), etc.... The leniency toward various kinds of dope/narcotics (see Stupid Delays) betrays our duty to properly inform our children. Drugs are basically for sick or imbalanced people. Getting stoned (see Stony), wasted (see Harry Lays Waste, Heathens), etc... is soft and lame. Best to get high (see American Royals) on hard efforts that challenge the complete body mind and soul. Don't shoot out your light and burn your green tree!
English:  1Bong - a dull, resonant sound, as of a large bell
               2Bong - a type of hookah or water pipe for smoking marijuana or other drugs
English:  Dull - [1200–50; Middle English; akin to Old English dol foolish, stupid; cognate with German toll]  1: not sharp;
                          blunt  2: causing boredom; tedious; uninteresting  3: not lively or spirited; listless  4: not bright, intense,
                          or clear, dim: a dull day; a dull sound  5: having very little depth of color; lacking in richness or intensity 
                          6: slow in motion or action; not brisk; sluggish  7: mentally slow; lacking brightness of mind; somewhat
                          stupid, obtuse  8: lacking keenness of perception in the senses or feelings; insensible; unfeeling

German slang:  Pfeife - a pipe; failure, wimp

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 46-49, 61 - Black Burning Gloom, Fat Man & Little Boy

   Getting "Baked" - a top marijuana/pot (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom) term/expression used by stoners (see Stony) to describe when they attempt to get high (see American Royals) by "taking" hits (see Battering Cocks) of cannabis/cannABYSS (see In a Hole) aka weed (see Ugly Concealments) aka dope (see Stupid Delays) aka reefer (see Preying, Crooked Leanings). "Getting baked" is an appropriate term given the fact that
though idiotic potheads like to associate marijuana with the color green, in actuality the colors they are veritably consuming are brown, grey, and black in the form of ingested smoke (see Black Burning Gloom). Even their precious edibles, more potent and dangerous than ever, are cooked forms of marijuana in the form of brownies (see Black Burning Gloom) and other brown-blackish marijuana products like hashish (see Butchers) and hash oil - the result of getting the more and most potent forms of marijuana. These smokers of blunts (see Stupid Delays) are so clueless when they think they are consuming a veritable green product. Facts are "getting baked" happens not from the green parts of the marijuana plant, but from those purple (see American Royals) and red hairs (see America in the Red) and white crystals (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) that develop from artificially amping up
the strength of the female plant. Yes these idiotic stoner boys are actually ingesting a very very very soft female .. ergo why most of these idiotic smokers of "fatties" (see Fat Man & Little Boy) are or lean toward flabby or outright fat fools with man boobs. Once again, do not burn that green (see Blue Yellow Green). Do not burn your tree (see Three). Get a veritably sustainable high by giving yourself exercise (see Yoga Swimming Running Exercise). Real nutrition is eating real color (see Four & Five) not candies (see Shifting Sands) and avoiding the 3 white foods (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) and brown "baked" foods (see Black Burning Gloom) that burn out the essential nutirents found within foods. You are what you eat.   
English slang:  Baked - stoned (see Stony)
English:  Bake - 1: to cook by dry heat in an oven ...
                        3: to dry (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) by, or subject to heat ...
                        8: a cracker  
English:  Baker - 1: a cook of deserts sweets (see Shifting Sands) most often made of flour  
                          2: a person who bakes  3: a person who makes and sells bread, cake, etc...
               [mainly foods that turn out brownish in color (see Black Burning Gloom)]
English:  Bake - 2: to cook bread, pastry, etc, in an oven

Scottish:  Bake - a kind of biscuit (see Two), cracker (see Two)
Carribean:  Bake - a flat fried cake   

Italian idiom:  Spartirsi la torta – (lit. to divide the cake) to split the loot (see Mad Money)
                       Fare un tortina – (to make a small cake) a party that turns into an orgy
                       Intortore – to cajole, coax
French idiom:  C’est du gateau – (it’s a piece a cake) it is easy as pie, it’s a piece a cake (see Stupid Delays)
British idiom:  Cakes and ale (see Drunken Times) – a time or activity when people enjoy themselves
English idioms:  Have your cake and eat it – to get all the benefits from two different situations
                         Its a piece of cake - something easily done (see Stupid Delays)
                         To take the cake – audacious behavior, to surpass all others,
                                                      esp in stupidity, folly, etc
(see Stupid Delays) 

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 52-57 - Quagmires

  "Dank" Marijuana - a description of very strong marijuana/pot (see Drunken Times, Black Buring Gloom) aka cannabis/cannABYSS (see In a Hole) aka weed (see Ugly Concealments) aka reefer (see Preying, Crooked Leanings) aka dope (see Stupid Delays) aka hashish (see Butchers) aka kief (see Drunken Times) aka blunt (see Stupid Delays) aka skunk (see Foxes) aka roach (see Hairy Delays) aka jibber (see Stupid Delays) aka grief (see Black Burning Gloom) aka ... etc... Do not get "baked" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "fried" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "wasted" (see Heathens) aka "stoned" (see Stony) aka "high" (see American Royals) aka "blind" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka ... etc .. on this
double serrated (see Butchers) weed!!! The shit is called "dope" (see Stupid Delays) for a reason. WAKE UP drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) users!!! These punk-ass marijuana advocates are corrupt little shits that are lying to people of all ages, people who need and deserve the truth.
English:  Dank - [of Scandinavian origin; compare Swedish dank marshy spot]
                         1: unpleasantly moist or humid; damp and, often, chilly: a dank cellar
                         2: Slang. (of marijuana) excellent; high quality:
                           There was plenty of booze and dank weed at the party.
                         3: Slang. (of an Internet meme) passé or clichéd; out of touch; having missed the cultural Zeitgeist.
                         4: Slang. high-quality marijuana: We were just chilling out and smoking dank together.
                            syn > wet, clammy, muggy, sticky, soggy.

English:  Marsh - a tract of low wet land with sedges, cattails, and rushes
              Marshy – resembling or constituting a marsh : BOGGY

English:  Junk – [fr. OF junc “rush”, fr. L juncos “rush”, “reed”]  worthless stuff
              Rush – 1: marsh plants …  5: something of little value or worth
English idiom:  Not worth a rush - worthless
German idiom:  Die Binse – reed, marsh grass
                    In die Binsen gehen – (literally to go into the reeds)
                                                     to go down the drain, to fall apart
French slang:  Bin’s/Binz - disorder; complicated procedure

English:  1Bog - [of Celt. origin; akin to O.Ir. bocc soft; akin to O.E. bugan bend (see Crooked Leanings)
                          – more at bow] : wet spongy ground
              2Bog - to cause to sink into, impede
English idiom:  To get bogged down – to become impeded
British slang:  Bog – a toilet
                      Bog-ignorant – very ignorant (see Stupid Delays)
                      Bog off! – go away!
                      Bog standard – boring, typical
                      Bog-up – to make a mess of things
Australian slang:  Bog in – to attack food enthusiastically
(see Fat Man & Little Boy)
Gaelic:  Bog – soft, miry; soft, timid, spiritless
             Bogán – quagmire
             Boganach – soft, simple, booby-like fellow
(see Stupid Delays)
             Bogalach – marsh

“He lifted me out of the slimy pit of despair, out from the BOG and the MIRE, and set my feet on a hard, firm path and steadied me as as I walked along”   Psalms 40:2
“I will make Babylon into a desolate land … full of SWAMPS and MARSHES.”   Isaiah 14:23

German:  Sumpf – marsh, swamp
               sumpfen – to booze or party until the wee hours, to make whoopie,
                               uproarious merrymaking
(see Drunken Times)
               Sumpfhuhn – (moor hen) ugly girl; unreliable person
               Sumpfralle – (swamp rail) ugly girl; bitch
(see Bestial Behaviors)

“But the MARSHES AND SWAMPS will not be healed;” 
The Healing Water of the Great River Flowing from the Temple - Ezekiel 47:11  

Portuguese slang:  Lama – mud; moral fault
                            Lamarao – a big lie
                            Lamacal – a bog, quagmire, quandary

Gaelic:  Mòine/Moin – peat, moss, morass, fen, bog
             Moineis – false delicacy, slowness, laziness (see Stupid Delays)
             Monais – slowness, negligence

“But those who still reject me are like the restless sea, which is never still, but always churns up MIRE and DIRT.  There is no peace, says my God, for them!”   Isaiah 57:20-21
“They have turned away from the ancient highways of good, and walk the MUDDY PATHS OF SIN.”  Jeremiah 18:15  

Arabic: رجس Rujz, rijz – punishment (inflicted by god); dirt, filth
             رجس Rajasa – to be dirty, filthy; to commit a shameful and disgraceful act

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 46-49 - Black Burning Gloom

     Heroin - aka "Boy" (see Woods Boys, Childish Delays) or "Smack" (see Sheehan v. Rough Noise) is a very destructful narcotic (see Stupid Delays) that has exploded in popularity destroying lives all over the world. Heroin comes from red (see America in the Red) poppys (see Drunken Times), bitter, yellowish-brown, strongly addictive narcotic drug prepared from the dried juice of unripe pods of the opium poppy and containing alkaloids such as morphine, codeine, and papaverine. Also called meconium. Opium (poppy tears, lachryma papaveris) is the dried latex obtained from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). Opium contains approximately 12% morphine, an alkaloid, which is frequently processed chemically to produce morphine (see American Dreams)/heroin/scag (see Black Burning Gloom)/Chiva (see Bestial Behaviors)/Smack (see Sheehan v. Rough Noise)/Junk (see Quagmires)/China White
(see Snow Jobs & Other Frost)/Mexican Mud (see Quagmires)/Black Tar (see Black Burning Gloom)/Chasing the Dragon (see Crooked Leanings) for the illegal narcotic (see Stupid Delays) drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) trade and for legal medicinal use in some countries. Heroin has exploded in availability devastating lives around the world. Opium latex also includes the alkaloid codeine and its similarly structuredcousin thebaine. The word "meconium" (derived from the Greek for "opium-like", but now used to refer to infant feces/stools) historically referred to related, weaker preparations made from other parts of the poppy or different species of poppies. The poppies that make these killer drugs are red (see America in the Red).
English:  Scag/skag – HEROIN
English slang:  Scag/skag – 1: a cigarette butt (see Black Burning Gloom)  2: despicable person or thing; JERK 
                                            3: an unattractive woman; SKANK  4: cheap low quality heroin
                        Scaggy – ugly (see Ugly Concealments), unkept, nasty
(see Quagmires), skanky
                        Skank – 1: an unattractive woman; a malodorous woman; SKAG …
Scots:  Scag – v. to render putrid by overexposure; to spoil the appearance of a thing   Skag
Computer jargon:  Scag – to destroy data on a disk either by corrupting the file system or by
                                         causing media damage

     Black Tar Heroin - a type of illicit opiate narcotic (see Stupid Delays) drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) formed from the incomplete acetylation of morphine. It is also called black or brown.
English slang:  Brown - heroin
                      Black tar - heroin

                      Blanco - (literally blank (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost)) heroin

Russian slang:   Чёрньй - chorniy (black) - excessively
                        Чёрньй -chorniy (black) - opiium
                        Чёрнуха - art showing negative/dark side of life

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 38-40 - Rumsfeld & Other Warriors

     Explosive Slang terms for Heroin/Scag (see Black Burning Gloom)/Junk (see Quagmires)/Mexican Mud (see Quagmires)/China White or Snow (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost)
Drug slang:  A-bomb - heroin with marijuana
(see Drunken Times)
                    Bombitas - heroin with amphetamines
                    Dynamite and speedball - combination of cocaine with heroin
Italian:  Bombarsi - to take drugs or narcotics (see Stupid Delays)
Spanish slang:  Bombear – to inject heroin
English slang:  Shooting up (see American Guns) - to inject heroin

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 7-8 - Bestial Behaviors

    Chiva is the top Heroin slang word today - specifically the reddish-brown poppy resin that comes up from Mexico, usually sold in very small amounts in latex balloons. Considered the lowest-quality heroin obtainable in the USA, as opposed to the more powerful, more desirable and expensive Black Tar (see Black Burning Gloom) or China White (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) heroin varieties. Also simply nicknamed "brown" (see Black Burning Gloom) because of its color. "Chiva" means "goat" in Spanish.
Spanish slang:  Chivo/a – (literally a goat) pimp; cheat sheet; fraud; imperfection;
(see Black Burning Gloom)

Chivo is the leader of the Hyde (see Heathens) Park Gang in the 2007 film Urban Justice, a fictional account of the notorious MS-13 or Mara Salvatrucha gang.

  Cheeba - a top term for marijuana/pot (see Drunken Times) aka reefer (see Preying Crooked Leanings) aka cannabis/cannABYSS (see In a Hole) aka dope (see Stupid Delays) aka hashish (see Butchers) aka weed (see Ugly Concealments) aka kief (see Drunken Times) aka blunt (see Stupid Delays) aka skunk (see Foxes) aka roach (see Hairy Delays) aka jibber (see Stupid Delays) aka grief (see Black Burning Gloom) aka dank (see Quagmires) aka ... Do not get "baked" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "fried" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "wasted" (see Heathens) aka "stoned" (see Stony) aka "high" (see American Royals) aka "blind" (see Black Burning Gloom)
etc. ... This double serrated (see Butchers) weed. The shit is is called "dope" (see Stupid Delays) for a reason.
English slang:  Cheeba - [borrowed from American Spanish argot chiva “heroin” (Spanish chivo, chiva “young goat, kid,
                                      with many regional and argot senses in American Spanish]  marijuana and narcotics
(see Stupid
,  black, sticky, gooey Brazilian marijuana often sold in pounds

  Cheeba Chews - a top marijuana/pot (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom) sweet/candy (see Shifting Sands) edible (see Black Burning Gloom) founded by James Howler (see Wolves, Stupid Delays). Cheeba Chews are America’s—if not the world’s—leading brand of cannabis-infused candies, available in medical dispensaries in California and Colorado, as well as in the latter state’s 300-plus recreational cannabis shops. These days, across its licensed entities, more than 50,000 Cheeba Chews candies are produced every week. Given the increasing potency of marijuana, these edibles are dangerous products because people are often children are not consuming harsh smoke, but are consuming sweet/sugary (see Shifting Sands) treats
that are easily devoured in mass thereby increasing the dangers of overdosing. Most of these edibles are nothing but legalized tranquilizers that can severly harm someone. Cannabis/cannABYSS (see In a Hole) has been called dope (see Stupid Delays) for a reason. No matter how one consumes this shit the result is a reduced blood flow to the brain thereby making the user stupider over time. The outrageous leniency of this gateway drug to other opiates has fomented many opportunist scum like Howler. The Reefer Madnes happening circa 2016 is a reefer (see Preying, Crooked Leanings) madness never envisioned even by the strictest critics of this weed (see Ugly Concealments). Marijuana edibles can easily be accidentally infused with too much THC and can easily end up in the wrong hands. There will always be some asshole looking to corner the market on the most potent form of these tranquilizers. It is time to end this madness and stop deceiving young inexperienced impressionable people and help these confused drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) users to get on a more sustainable way to feel good. Cheeba Chews Marketing Director is Eric Leslie (see Thorns of the Bush). Once again, James "Howler", a word meaning 'blunder' founded the company. OBEY THE SIGNS.

English:  Goat – [akin to Old High German geiz goat]  1: the genus capra …  2: a licentious or lustful
                        man : LECHER   3: SCAPEGOAT  4: West Point slang for the lowest academic rank
     Scapegoat – a goat upon whose head are symbolically placed the sins of the people and which
                        he is sent into the wilderness from Leviticus 16:8; a person or thing bearing the blame
         To get ones goat - to make someone disgusted or angry
         To act the goat (British) - to behave in a silly way
(see Stupid Delays)

German:  Geiz – [fr. Old High German ‘goat’]  : Greed, miserly 
(see Roving, Preying)
This Old High German word is the root of the English word goat, influencing the following:

German:  geizen - to be miserly
               geizen nach - to crave

English:  Bock – a heavy dark rich beer (see Drunken Times)
German:  1Bock – [fr. O.H.G. boc Du. bok Eng. buck Sw bock narrowly related to the Celt. Ir. Boc
                              billy goat and further back to Persian buz goat, basically fr. ProtoIndoGerm
                              (ProtoIndoEuro) bhugo-s billy goat] : buck, billy goat, a he-goat
                2Bock – bock beer (see Drunken Times)
                  Bockig – stubborn, awkward, contrary
(see Stupid Delays)
                  Bockmist – bullshit, stale or worthless remarks or ideas, bilge
                  Einen schonen Bockmist machen – make a real holy mess
Bockschein – a prostitute’s certificate of health
                  Ein sturer Bock – an obstinate or pigheaded goat
                  Sundenbock – (literally sin goat) scapegoat

Spanish idiom:  Cabra – goat; slang for a prostitute                         
                       Estar mas loco que una cabra - (to be crazy as a goat) to be crazy as a loon
Spanish slang:  Cabronada – a dirty trick

Russian idiom:  Козёл - Kozeol - goat
                        Козлом петь - Kozlom pyet - ( lit. goat sing) to sing in a false voice, to caterwaul
             Пустит Козла в огород -Pusteet kozla v ogorod - to send the wolf to tend the sheep
Russian slang:  Коза - Koza – she goat, fidgety restless girl, foolish girl or woman
                       Козёл вонючий - Kozeol vonuchee – smelly goat, dirty bastard, scoundrel
                       Колиная парода - Koleenaya paroda – goat breed, stubborn person
                       Козлиться - Kozleetsya – to be stubborn, contrary, difficult
                       Козлотен - Kozlotyen – nonsense (see Stupid Delays)
                       Скозлить - Skozleet – to say something stupid

Arabic idiom:  Tahat al-ksa teesh – under this fine apparel a he-goat is hidden. 
The he-goat is, among Arabs, the emblem of a stupid clown.                                                                    
                      Askat ya teesh – “be silent thou goat”, is a phrase often heard in the bazaars.

The Scots word goat – a drain, ditch, gutter, a slough, deep miry place (see Quagmires), and goat’s beard – a vapor in the sky foreboding storm, are other negative connotations with the goat. 

Within the semiotic dictionaries, GOATS are usually interpreted negatively as impure, stinking, and in search of gratification. The goat head is often depicted within a pentagram of satanic cults. In the late Middle Ages and modern era witches were portrayed as being transported through the air on goats. In Greco Roman times, goats were thought to be libidinous creatures, because they allowed other goats free access to the females of their own flock. Satyrs were part goat. They are associated with the Gods of love and fertility (sex) such as DIONYSIUS, the god of wine (see Drunken Times), Pan, and Aphrodite. Generally goats were a pagan symbol of lust in Christian culture. In Christian semiotics goats are The Devil; the damned, sinners; lust. The Scape goat is Christ burdened with the sins of the world. The Hebrew culture regarded the goat as lewd. In Scaninavian and Teutonic semiotics, the chariot of Thor, the god of thunder (see Sheean v. Rough Noise) was drawn by goats.

In portrayals of the Last Judgment, GOATS are the creatures condemned eternally to the fires of hell (Leviticus 17:21-22).
Most of the Devil’s physical traits in Christian iconography are taken over from the GOAT.

The word "Tradegy" comes from the Greek elements meaning "goat song".
English: Tragedy - [fr. Greek trág(os) goat + oide song]

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 63-64 - Crooked Leaning

    "Chasing the Dragon" - the most popular term used to describe using heroin/scag (see Black Burning Gloom) in the 1960s-1980s. Today the term "chiva" (see Bestial Behaviors), Spanish for 'goat', is more common. Heroin popularity has increased significantly over the past decades. Before recent times the drug was mostly concentrated within urban settings. Now heroin use has more than doubled and can be found in the suburbs as well. Illegal drugs as well as many legal drugs are a plaque that demand proper scientific attention. Heroin is an evil that destroys lives.  
English slang:  Chasing the dragon - inhaling vapors of heroin (see Black Burning Gloom)
                    or cocaine (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) heated on tin foil
Websters defines a dragon as the following:   
English:  Dragon – [from Latin draco - serpent, from Greek drakon serpent] 1 archaic: a huge serpent 
                              2: a fabulous animal usually represented as a monstrous winged and scaly serpent or
                              saurian with a crested head a large claws  3: a violent, combative, or very strict
                              person  4a: a short musket, or a soldier carrying such a musket b: an artillery tractor
(see American Guns) 5: arboreal lizards (genus draco) 6: draco  7: a baneful figure

In the Orient the DRAGON is a beneficent, celestial power. However within the Occident, the dragon is chthonic, destructive, and evil. In the Old Testament the ‘place of dragons’ was associated with the “shadows of death” (Psalm 44, 19). The Hebrew semiotic representation equates dragons with desolation, or a dweller in the wilderness. Christian semiotics equated the dragon with the serpent, ‘that old serpent’, the power of evil, the Devil, the Tempter, the enemy of God, death and darkness, paganism and heresy. Those who subdue dragons represent victory over the powers of evil. The archangel Michael defeating the dragon is the victory of the sun god over darkness, adapted to Christianity as the defeat of Satan. Sumero-Semitic culture viewed the dragon as the adversary, the power of evil. Egyptian culture showed the dragon as an emblem of Osiris as god of the dead. 

The Book of Revelation talks about a “Red Dragon” with “its host of fallen angels”, that lost a battle to the Archangel Michael and was “forced from heaven.” 
“This great DRAGON – the ancient SERPENT called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world – was thrown down onto the earth with all his army.”   Revelation 12:7-9 
This DRAGON encouraged a Creature with bear’s feet and a lion’s mouth “to speak blasphemies against the Lord…to rule over all nations and language groups throughout the world.”   Revelation 13:5-8

Dragon is the boss of assassins in the 1975 film The Eiger Sanction.

Old English:  Draca – a dragon, sea-monster; serpent; the Devil

Draco is the head of a crime syndicate in the 1963 novel/1969 film On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.
Draco Malfoy is the bully and main antagonist in the 1997-2010 Harry Pottter Series.

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 18-19, 72-73 - American Royals, America in the Red

     The Red Hairs of Marijuana/Pot (see Drunken Times)/Reefer (see Preying, Crooked Leanings)/Skunk Weed (see Foxes, Ugly Concealments)/Blunts (see Stupid
Delays)/Dope (see Stupid Delays). Red hairs, and in some strains purple hairs (see American Royals), are the indicators of high potency within the plant that is consumed - the female plant.Both colors of red and purple are considered deviations away from Goethe's theory of the 2 primary colors being yellow and blue (see Blue Yellow Green, Sunlight), because according to Goethe these colors of red and purple happen as light is reduced toward darkness. Do not burn (see Black Burning Gloom) your tree, do not burn your green! Science shows that all forms of marijuana use causes less blood flow to the brain thereby making the user stupider, retarding all abilities to learn one's potential. Do not be deceived by the opportunist scum who sell (see Mad Money) this shit. The facts are that marijuana is a dangerously lazy, soft, and under-regulated madness, a sure sign of a culture getting un-earned, artificial, and unsustainable highs (see American Royals) that ultimately cause the other extreme of going down/going to pot with canABYSS (see In a Hole). One extreme begets another. Drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) are only for sick or imbalanced people and whose wild existence is a sure sign of a sick and imbalanced culture unable to establish solid cores/solid middles. Do not "smoke joints" (see Black Burning Gloom), for "joints" are meant to join (see Yoga Swimming Running Exercise) while "smoking joints" disjoins (see American Royals)

     The Purple hairs of Marijuana/Pot (see Drunken Times)/Reefer (see Preying, Crooked Leanings)/Skunk Weed (see Foxes, Ugly Concealments)/Blunts (see Stupid Delays)/Dope (see Stupid Delays). Purple hairs, and in most strains red hairs (see America in the Red), are the indicators of high potency within the plant that is consumed - the female plant. Both colors of red and purple are considered deviations away from Goethe's
theory of the 2 primary colors being yellow and blue (see Blue Yellow Green, Sunlight), because according to Goethe these colors of red and purple are augmentations of yellow and blue happening as light is reduced toward darkness. Do not burn (see Black Burning Gloom) your tree, do not burn your green! Science shows that all forms of marijuana use causes less blood flow to the brain thereby making the user stupider, retarding all abilities to learn one's potential. Do not be deceived by the opportunist scum who sell (see Mad Money) this shit. The facts are that marijuana is a lazy, soft, and under-regulated madness, a sure sign of a culture getting un-earned, artificial, and unsustainable highs (see American Royals) that ultimately cause the other extreme of going down/going to pot with canABYSS (see In a Hole). One extreme begets another. Drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) are only for sick or imbalanced people and whose wild existence is a sure sign of a sick and imbalanced culture unable to establish solid cores/solid middles. Do not "smoke joints" (see Black Burning Gloom), for "joints" are meant to join (see Yoga Swimming Running Exercise) while "smoking joints" disjoins (see American Royals).

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 72-73 - America in the Red


The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 9-12, 18-19, 72-73 - Drunken Times, American Royals, America in the Red

   The Red and Purple poppies of Opium/(see Drunken Times/Morphine (see American Dreams)/Heroin/Scag (see Black Burning Gloom)/Chiva (see
Bestial Behaviors)/Chasing the Dragon (see Crooked Leanings)/Smack (see Sheehan v. Rough Noise)/China White (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost)/Mexican Mud (see Quagmires)/Black Tar (see
Black Burning Gloom)/Junk (see Quagmires)/Narcotics (see Stupid Delays).
English:  Poppy - [O.E. popæg, from W.Gmc. *papua-, probably from V.L. *papavum, from L. papaver "poppy,"
                          perhaps a reduplicated form of imitative base *pap- "to swell"
(see Mad Money). Associated
                          with battlefields and war dead at least since Waterloo (1815).]  1: any plant of the genus Papaver,
                          having showy, usually red flowers. Compare poppy family  2: any of several related or similar
                          plants, as the California poppy, prickly
(see Thorns of the Bush) poppy, horned (see Crooked
poppy, etc   3: an extract, as opium, from such a plant  4: Also called poppy red.
                          an orangish red resembling scarlet  5: Architecture , poppyhead  6: an artificial flower resembling
                          a poppy, especially one received as evidence of a contribution to a fund for disabled war veterans

Red is universally associated with anger and aggression.
The WAR deities Ares and Ogun were RED. Mars, known as the red planet, is also the Roman God of War
(see Confused Warriors). Red is the zenith (an extreme) of color; represents the sun and all war gods. The color red might embody the ardor and enthusiasm of youth. Within Irish tradition red was above all the color of the warrior, and there were two very common adjectives in Gaelic, derg and ruadh, to describe it. There are hundreds of examples of this. Red was also the color of Dionysos, the Greek god of wine, liberator and orgiast (see Drunken Times)

   Opium - A bitter, yellowish-brown, strongly addictive narcotic drug prepared from the dried juice of unripe pods of the red/purplish (see America in the Red, American Royals) opium poppies and containing alkaloids such as morphine, codeine, and papaverine. Also called meconium. Opium (poppy tears, lachryma papaveris) is the dried latex obtained from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). Opium contains approximately 12% morphine, an alkaloid, which is frequently processed chemically to produce heroin/scag (see Black Burning Gloom)/Chiva (see Bestial Behaviors)/Smack (see Sheehan v. Rough Noise)/Junk (see Quagmires)/China White (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost)/Mexican Mud (see Quagmires)/Black
Tar (see Black Burning Gloom)/Chasing the Dragon (see Crooked Leanings) for the illegal narcotic (see Stupid Delays) drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) trade and for legal medicinal use in some countries. Heroin has exploded in availability devastating lives around the world. Opium latex also includes the alkaloid codeine and its similarly structuredcousin thebaine. The word "meconium" (derived from the Greek for "opium-like", but now used to refer to infant feces/stools) historically referred to related, weaker preparations made from other parts of the poppy or different species of poppies.
English:  Opium - [late 14c., from Latin opium, from Greek opion "poppy juice, poppy"]
                         1: the dried, condensed juice of a poppy, Papaver somniferum, that has a narcotic
(see Stupid Delays),
                         soporific, analgesic, and astringent effect and contains morphine, codeine, papaverine, and other alkaloids
                         used in medicine in their isolated or derived forms: a narcotic substance, poisonous in large doses
                         2: anything that causes dullness or inaction or that has a stupefying effect on the mind or emotions
English:  Poppy - [O.E. popæg, from W.Gmc. *papua-, probably from V.L. *papavum, from L. papaver "poppy,"
                          perhaps a reduplicated form of imitative base *pap- "to swell" (see Mad Money). Associated
                          with battlefields and war dead at least since Waterloo (1815).]  1: any plant of the genus Papaver,
                          having showy, usually red flowers. Compare poppy family  2: any of several related or similar
                          plants, as the California poppy, prickly (see Thorns of the Bush) poppy, horned (see Crooked
poppy, etc   3: an extract, as opium, from such a plant  4: Also called poppy red.
                          an orangish red resembling scarlet  5: Architecture , poppyhead  6: an artificial flower resembling
                          a poppy, especially one received as evidence of a contribution to a fund for disabled war veterans
English:  Hop - ["opium," 1887, from Cantonese nga-pin "opium," a Chinese folk etymology of the English word
                       opium, literally "crow peelings"
(see Crawford & Other Crows)." Re-folk-etymologized back into
                       English by association with hop (n.1).]
English:  2Hops - ["vine," c.1440, from M.Du. hoppe, Germ. hopfen]  1: any twining plant of t
he genus Humulus  
                           2: hops, the dried ripe cones of the female flowers of this plant, used in brewing, medicine, etc.
                           3: Older Slang. a narcotic drug
(see Snow Jobs & Other Frost), especially opium  
             Hophead - ["opium addict," 1911, from hop (n.2) + head (n.) in the drug sense.]
English verb phrases:  Hop up - a: to excite; make enthusiastic  b: to add to the power of  
                                                c: to stimulate by narcotics
(see Stupid Delays)
English slang:  Hops - beer
(see Drunken Times)
English:  Befuddle - ["confuse," 1873, from be- + fuddle; originally "to confuse with strong drink or opium"]
English:  Meconium - ["fecal discharge from a newborn infant," 1706, from Latin meconium "excrement of a newborn
(see Childish Delays), literally "poppy juice," from Greek mekonion "poppy-juice, opium,"
                                diminutive of mekon "poppy" (perhaps cognate with Old Church Slavonic maku, German Mohn
                               "poppy"). So called by classical physicians for its resemblance.]  
                                1: the first fecal excretion of a newborn child, composed chiefly of bile, mucus, and epithelial cells
                                2: fecal mass released at pupation by the larvae of some insects
(see Hairy Delays)
                                3: the milky sap of the unripe seed pods of the opium poppy; crude opium 
English:  Codeine - [alkaloid present in opium, 1838, from French codéine, coined, with chemical suffix -ine (2), from
                             Greek kodeia "poppy head," related to kooz "prison"
(see American Prisons), literally "hollow place"
  (see In a Hole) kodon "bell (see Hasty Hunting), mouth of a trumpet" (see Hasty Hunting) koilos
                             "hollow," from PIE root *kel- (see cell)
(see Ugly Concealments).]
Chinese:  Gow - [1915, "opium," from Cantonese yao-kao "opium," literally "drug-sap;" by 1950s meaning had
                        expanded to "pictures of nude or scantily clad women," hence gow job "flashy girl," which in
                        teenager came to also mean "hot rod."]

English:  Laudanum - [1543, Mod.L., coined by Paracelsus for a medicine he mixed, supposed to contain gold

                                (see Mad Money)
and crushed pearls (see Mad Money) and many expensive ingredients,
                                but probably most effective because it contained opium. The word soon came to be used
                               for "any alcoholic
(see Drunken Times) tincture of opium."]  a tincture of opium

Russian slang:  Дербанить - Derbaneet - opium; alcoholic drink

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 17 - American Dreams

   Morphine - a dug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) derived from opium poppies (see Drunken Times), a bitter, yellowish-brown, strongly addictive narcotic drug prepared from the dried juice of unripe pods of the opium poppy and containing alkaloids such as morphine, codeine, and papaverine. Also called meconium. Opium (poppy tears, lachryma papaveris) is the dried latex obtained from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). Opium contains approximately 12% morphine, an alkaloid, which is frequently processed chemically to produce morphine (see American Dreams)/heroin/scag (see Black Burning Gloom)/Chiva (see Bestial Behaviors)/Smack (see Sheehan v. Rough Noise)/Junk (see Quagmires)/China White (see Snow Jobs &
Other Frost)/Mexican Mud (see Quagmires)/Black Tar (see Black Burning Gloom)/Chasing the Dragon (see Crooked Leanings) for the illegal narcotic (see Stupid Delays) drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) trade and for legal medicinal use in some countries. Heroin has exploded in availability devastating lives around the world. Opium latex also includes the alkaloid codeine and its similarly structuredcousin thebaine. The word "meconium" (derived from the Greek for "opium-like", but now used to refer to infant feces/stools) historically referred to related, weaker preparations made from other parts of the poppy or different species of poppies. America is inundated with this poison now. The poppies that make these killer drugs are red (see America in the Red).
English:  Morphine - [chief alkaloid of opium, 1828, from French morphine or German Morphin (1816),
                                name coined by German apothecary Friedrich Sertürner (1783-1840) in reference to
                                Latin Morpheus (q.v.), Ovid's name for the 'god of dreams'.]  

English: 1Dream – [fr. O.E. dream noise, joy, mirth, rapture,
(see Drunken Times)]  1: a series of thoughts, images,
                               or emotions ocurring during sleep  2a: a visionary creation of the imagination : DAYDREAM  
                                 b: a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from reality : REVERIE
            2Dream – 2: to indulge in daydreams or fantasies  vt 3: to pass time in reverie or inaction
              Dreamer – 2a: one who lives in a world of fancy and imagination  b: one who has ideas
                               or conceives projects regarded as impracticable
(see Stupid Delays)
              Dream land – an unreal delightful country existing only in dreams : NEVER-NEVER LAND
              Dream world – a world of illusion or fantasy
(see Drunken Times)
             Dreamy – 1b: pleasantly abstracted from immediate reality  2: given to dreaming or fantasy 
                       < a ~ child >
(see Childish Delays)
             Pipe dream - [1870; the sort of improbable fantasy one has while smoking opium; from pipe (n.1) + dream (n.).] 
                                  a fanciful or impossible plan or hope much like a smoker of opium would have

English:  Reverie – [mid-14c., "wild conduct, frolic," fr. O.Fr. reverie "revelry, raving, delirium," fr. resver "to dream,
                             wander, rave," also the root of rave
(see Roving), fr. M.F. rever " to wander" (see Crooked Leanings),
                             "be delirious"]  1: DAYDREAM 

              Fantasy - 1: imagination, especially when extravagant and unrestrained  2: the forming of mental images,
                              especially wondrous or strange fancies; imaginative conceptualizing  3: a mental image, especially
                              when unreal or fantastic; vision: a nightmare fantasy  4: Psychology . an imagined or conjured up
                              sequence fulfilling a psychological need; daydream; a series of pleasing mental images, usually
                              serving to fulfil a need not gratified in reality  5: a hallucination
(see Drunken Times), phantom
                              6: a supposition based on no solid foundation; visionary idea; illusion
(see Drunken Times):
(see American Dreams) of Utopias and similar fantasies  7: caprice; whim  
                               8: an ingenious or fanciful thought, design, or invention

English:  Reality - HARD COLD TRUTH
English idiom:  Get real! - DO NOT TAKE DRUGS!!!

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 67-69 - Stupid Delays

     Narcotics - (from ancient Greek ναρκ? narkō, "Ι benumb") originally referred medically to any psychoactive compound with any sleep-inducing properties. In the United States it has since become associated with opioids, commonly morphine and heroin and their derivatives, such as hydrocodone. The term has been historically variously defined yet now is always with negative connotations. For example alcohol and tobacco has been considered a narcotic periodically. When used in a legal context in the U.S. a narcotic drug is simply one that is totally prohibited, or one that is used in violation of strict governmental regulation, such as heroin, morphine, cocaine, etc... The term "narcotic" was originally coined by the Greek physician Galen to refer to agents
that numb or deaden, causing loss of feeling or paralysis. It is based on the Greek word ναρκωσις (narcosis), the term used by Hippocrates for the process of numbing or the numbed state.
English:  Narcotic - [fr. O.Fr. adj. narcotique (early 14c.), from M.L. narcoticum, from Gk. narkotikon, neut. of                                narkotikos  "making stiff or numb," from narkotos, verbal adj. of narcoun "to benumb, make
                               unconscious," from narke "numbness, stupor, cramp," perhaps from PIE base *(s)nerq- "to turn,
(see Crooked Leanings). Sense of "any illegal drug" first recorded 1926]
             Numb - [fr. nome, lit. "taken, seized," from pp. of nimen "to take, seize," from O.E. niman "to take"]
                          1: deprived of physical sensation or the ability to move  3: incapable of action or of feeling emotion;
                          enervated; prostrate  4: lacking or deficient in emotion or feeling; indifferent
             Numbnuts - stupid or ineffectual person, by 1971, U.S. slang
             Numbskull - a stupid person; dolt; blockhead, dim-witted
             Clumsy - [fr. M.E. clumsid "numb with cold" (14c.), pp. of clumsen "to benumb," from ON klumsa,
                            intens. of kluma "to make motionless."]

Arabic:  خدر - to numb, become limp, paralyzed, narcotize, stupefy; to confine to woman's quarters
             مخدرة - drunk, tipsy

The following is how the words woods
(see Woods Boys) and narcotics are related within Arabic.
            غابة Gaaba – forest, wood, thicket, copse, jungle, reed
             غاب Gaba – to be or remain absent, be or stay away, to absent oneself, withdraw, leave, 
                                vanish, be swallowed up in, hide, be hidden, concealed, to set, go down, to 
                                play truant, to slander
      غيبوبة Gaibuba – swoon, faint, unconsciousness, daze, stupor, coma
            اغبا  aGba – stupider, more simple minded, more foolish (fr. gabya – overgrown forest)
              غبا Gabiya – not to comprehend, have no knowledge of, be ignorant, unaware, stupid
       مغيبات muGayyibat – narcotics, stupefacients, anesthetics                   

The Arabic Gaaba, Gaibuba, aGba and muGayyabit come from the verb root stems Gaba and related Gabiya.

Italian slang:  Rimba – narcotics; an imbecile

Russian slang:  Дурь - Dur - narcotics

                      Дура/дурак - Dura/durak –fool
                      Дуреть - Duret – become stupid
                      Дурман -Durman – drug addict
                      Дурной - Durnay – bad, nasty, evil, ugly, ill
                      Дурачить - Duracheet – fool, deceive
                      Дурачиться -Duracheetsya – to play the fool

Welsh:  Dryg – drug
            Drygn – to hurt, damage, become bad
            Drygair – scandal, ill report
            Drygionus – wicked, bad
            Drygnaws - malevolent

Russian slang:  Болтушка - Boltushka – narcotic, drug
                       Боль - Bol – pain
                       Болной - Bolny – sick
                       Болвань - Bolvan – idiot
                      Заболеть - zaBolet – to be ill; be a fanatic
                      Оболшение - oBolsheneea – seduction

English:  Dope - 5 slang: any illegal drug; narcotic  
                           7: informal a person considered to be stupid or slow-witted

     Dope - longtime popular word for drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) like pot (see Drunken Times), hashish (see Butchers), cocaine (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost), crack (see Thorns of the Bush, American Guns), crystal meth (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost), acid LSD (see Drunken Times), heroin scag (see Black Buring Gloom), cigarettes (see Black Burning Gloom) ecstasy (see Drunken Times) etc... Drugs are basically easy crutches for sick or imbalanced people. Best to avoid getting "high" (see American Royals) or "stoned" (see Stony) or "bombed" (see Confused Warriors) or "wasted" (see Heathens) and try feeling good by doing difficult things with your heart, body, mind, and soul.

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 25 - American Guns

    Pill Poppers/Pill "popping" - the top word used when describing when someone takes pills. Pill popping is a sign of someone who bends to soft and easy quick highs in a desperate attempt to temporarily resolve various feelings. Best to take some pain with various tests and movements of the body than falling back again on something that can cause dependancy. Best to leave the pills for those who really need them - sick and imbalanced people. The insane explosion of legalized prescription psychoactive/psychotropic drugs for various hyped up mental illnesses is a sure sign of a confused and overly indulgent culture unable to get a grip on what is real. Don't be marketed and sold a lie!
English:  Pill popper - a person who regularly takes a lot of pills
English:  1Pop – 1: to strike or knock sharply : HIT  2: to push, put, or thrust suddenly  3: to cause to explode or burst open
                     4: to fire at suddenly : SHOOT  (see American Guns)  5: to take drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost); to take
                     (a drug) in pill form or as an injection: pill popping  v. 7: to cause to make a sudden, explosive sound  8: to
                     cause to burst open with such a sound  9: to open suddenly or violently: to pop the hood on a car; to pop the
                     tab on a beer can  10: to put or thrust quickly, suddenly, or unexpectedly  11: to cause to fire; discharge
                     He popped his rifle at the bird  12: to shoot (followed by at, off, etc.): He popped off bottles with a slingshot
                     13: British Slang. to pawn  14a: to take or swallow (pills), especially in excess or habitually; take orally in a
                     compulsive or addictive way b: to eat in a continual or thoughtless manner, as snack
(see Stupid Delays) food
                     n. 15: a short, quick, explosive sound  16: a popping  17: a shot with a firearm  18: Informal. soda pop  
                     19: a drink or portion of an alcoholic beverage, as a drink of whiskey or a glass of beer
(see Drunken Times):
                     We had a couple of pops on the way home
English idiom:  Pop off - a: to die, especially suddenly  b: to depart, especially abruptly  c: to express oneself volubly or
                                        excitedly and sometimes irately or indiscreetly

Scots:  Pop - to fire a gun; to shoot (see American Guns)
           Pop - to strike, knock; shoot at; to pelt, throw  n. a knock, blow

English:  Pill - ["small ball or round mass of medicine," c.1400, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German pille and
                       Middle French pile, all from Latin pilula "pill," literally "little ball," diminutive of pila "a ball, playing ball,"
                        said to be related to pilus "hair" if the original notion was "hairball"
(see Hairy Delays). Figurative sense
                       "something disagreeable that must be swallowed" is from 1540s; slang meaning "boring person" from 1871.]

English:  1Pill – [OE pilian to peel, fr. MF piller plunder] to come off in flakes or scales 
                        1 archaic:  to subject to depredation or extortion
  (see Preying)   2 dial: to peel or strip off
              2Pill – 1a: a medicine in a small rounded mass..  b; oral contraceptive 
                        2: something repugnant or unpleasant that must be accepted or endured 
                        4: a disagreeable or tiresome person
              3Pill – to dose with pills  2: BLACKBALL 
(see Black Burning Gloom)
English idiom:  Don’t be a pill – don’t be an obnoxious person
English slang:  Pill – 1: a boring, disagreeable person  3: an opium
(see Drunekn Times) pellet for smoking 
                              4: a narcotics
(see Stupid Delays) capsule  5: a bomb, cannonball, or bullet (see Fat Man & Little Boy)

Spanish idiom:  Tragarse la pildora – (literally to swallow the pill) to be taken in, to swallow a lie
Italian slang:  Pillola – (literally a pill) a bullet
(see American Guns)
English slang:  Pill – an obnoxious moody person
(see Black Burning Gloom)

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 67-69 - Stupid Delays

    MDMA aka "Molly" - slang for MDMA better known as the drug "ecstasy" (see Drunken Times). Ecstasy is a popular rave (see Roving) drug. The term Molly has become the most used slang word for ecstasy, a drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) that has been being used and abused mre and more. Pill popping (see American Guns) Molly has been referred to numerously within hip hop and rap song as of late.
English:  2Molly - [seabird, 1857, short for mollymawk, from Du. mallemok,
                            from Du. mal  foolish + Du. mok gull]
           1Molly - any brightly coloured tropical or subtropical American
                            freshwater cyprinodont fish of the genus Mollienisia
            Mollycoddle [1833, originally a noun, "one who coddles himself," fr. Molly (pet name formation from Mary),
                                 used contemptuously from 1754 for "a milksop, an effeminate man" + coddle]
            3Molly - [1560s, female proper name, shortened form of Molly, itself familiar for Mary. Used fr. c.1600 for
                         "prostitute;" meaning "companion of a thief" is first recorded 1823. U.S. sense of "a gangster's girlfriend"
                           is from 1923]

English slang:  Molly and Tommy - 18th century England term molly was used for male homosexuals/gays
                                                    Drunken Times)
implying effeminacy
(see Two) - slang term for a homosexual woman/lesbian (see Woods Boys) in use by 1781,
                                                     may have been coined by analogy with molly

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 38-40 - Confused Warriors

    MDA aka "Sally" - drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) that preceeded MDMA aka Estasy (see Roving). Methylenedioxyamphetamine, also known as 3,4-methylenedioxy-amphetamine, MDA, tenamfetamine (INN), or colloquially as "Sally", "Sass", or "Sass-a-frass", is a psychoactive drug of the substituted methylenedioxyphenethylamine and substituted amphetamine classes of drugs that is consumed primarily for its entactogenic, psychedelic, and psychostimulant effects. MDA has no medical use. Death is usually caused by cardiac effects and subsequent hemorrhaging in the brain (stroke). MDA was first synthesized by Carl (see Stupid Delays) Mannich and W. Jacobsohn (see Grabs the Heel) in 1910. More idotic white pills.
English:  Sally – [M.Fr. saillie, fr. O.Fr. fr. saillir to rush forward (see Hasty Hunting), fr. L. salire leap] 
                        1: the action of rushing
(see Hasty Hunting), a busting forth;  esp. : a sortie of troops from
                        a defensive position to attack the enemy   2a: a brief outbreak : OUTBURST  b: a quip 
                        3: a venture or excursion usu. off the beaten track or main course   4: an outburst or flight
                        of passion, fancy, etc.: a sally of anger (see Black Burning Gloom)  ...
                        v. 7: to make a sally, as a body of troops from a besieged place

German:  springen - to jump, leap, crack
              gesprungen – cracked
(see Thorns of the Bush)
              Sprung - jump, crack; slang for crazy
              Einen Sprung haben – (literally to have a jump) to be crazy
              sprunghaft - erratic 
              zerspringen - shatter, burst

Italian:  Saltare - to jump, and is also defined as to blow up, explode

            Far saltare – (literally to make jump) to blow up, burst open

The Arabic word صال Sala – means to spring, jump, leap, attack, assail, assault.

French slang:  Sauter – (literally to jump) to copulate, fuck

English:  Jump – 4a: to make a sudden physical or verbal attack on someone
              2Salt – [fr. L. saltus a jump] lustful, lecherous
              Assault – [fr. assaltus pp. of assalire ad + salire to leap]  1: a violent physical or verbal attack
              Assail – [fr. OFr. assaillir, fr. L. assilire to leap upon] : to attack violently with blows or words

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 9-12 - Drunken Times

    Ecstacy - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is one of the most widely used recreational drugs in the world. It is commonly associated with "raves" (see Roving). Among the many psychological effects are disorientation and/or confusion, anxiety, paranoia, hypomania, derealization and/or depersonalization, hallucinations and/or delusions, thought disorder or disorganized thinking, cognitive and memory impairment, etc...
English:  Ecstacy - [late 14c., "in a frenzy or stupor, fearful, excited," from O.Fr. estaise "ecstasy,
                           rapture," from L.L. extasis, from Gk. ekstasis "entrancement, astonishment; any
                           displacement," in New Testament "a trance," from existanai "displace, put out of
                           place," also "drive out of one's mind" (existanai phrenon), from ek "out" (see ex-)
                          + histanai "to place, cause to stand," from PIE base *sta- "to stand". Used by 17 c.
                             mystical writers for "a state of rapture that stupefied the body while the soul contemplated
                             divine things," which probably helped the meaning shift to "exalted state of good feeling"
                            (1610s). Slang use for the drug 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine dates from 1985]
Spanish idiom:  Tragarse la pildora – (literally to swallow the pill) to be taken in, to swallow a lie
Italian slang:  Pillola – (literally a pill) a bullet
(see American Guns)
English slang:  Pill – an obnoxious moody person
(see Black Burning Gloom)
Portuguese slang:  Droga! – (literally drug!) shoot! shit! hell!

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 13, 17 - Roving, American Dreams

   Raves – popularized all night drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) and alcohol induced partying that took off since the 1990s. They werer originally called acid house parties (see Two).
English: 1Rave – [fr. Middle English raven to show signs of madness or delirium fr. Old
                             French raver – to dream, rave, or wander
(see Crooked Leanings),
                             stray, ROVE]
                 vt 1: to talk wildly as in delirium, or to speak wildly, irrationally, or
                     2: to move or advance violently : STORM 
(see Sheehan v. Rough Noise)
                     3: to talk or write with extravagant enthusiasm 
                     4: to make a wild or furious sound; rage 
                 vi 5: to utter as if in madness
 (see Mad Money)
                     6: a boisterous party
 (see Drunken Times)
                     7: extravagantly flattering or enthusiastic 
                     8: an all night dance party 
                     9: the subject of eager desire, that which is sought after with unreasonable or excessive passion
English:  3Raven – 1: to devour greedily  2: DESPOIL  vi 1: to feed greedily  2: to prowl for food : PREY 
                             3: PLUNDER
 (see Preying)
               Ravenous – 1: RAPACIOUS, VORACIOUS  2: very eager for food, satisfaction, or gratification
               Ravish – 1a: to seize and take away with violence  b: to overcome with emotion  c: RAPE, VIOLATE 
                             2: PLUNDERR, ROB
British slang:  Rave up- wild, rowdy, or boisterous party
Scots:  Rave – v. to bawl; make a loud noise; to make a wild roaring sound  n. a vague report; an almost incredible story
           Rave – to roam, stray; to rove
           Rave – v. pret. Tore, did tear
           Rave – v. to reave, to take by violence
           Ravery – delirium; a violent fit of temper
(see Black Burning Gloom)
           Ravin – exceedingly

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 18-19 - American Royals

English slang:  High/getting high - stoned (see Stony) or intoxicated on drugs

   Getting "High"- aka "stoned" (see Stony) aka "baked" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "fried" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "blind" (see Black Burning Gloom) aka "wasted" (see Heathens), the act of relying on a substance like drugs and alcohol to bring ones mood to a desired pleasure. Best to use ones body and challenge it in various and versatile ways than the easy take of something that is not earned. Drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) are basically for sick or imbalanced people. The desire and act of getting artificially high inevitably leads someone to the opposite pole (see Two) of an extreme low (see In a Hole, Quagmires). Italian idiom:  Essere in buco – (literally to be in a hole) to be intoxicated; to be sad, depressed. The act of moving too fast beyond one's natural ability inevtably leads to that person moving slower than others.

Neither speak thy Prayer aloud,
Nor speak it in a low tone,
But seek a middle course
Between.”   Sura 17. 110

English:  High and mighty – characterized by arrogance, imperious
             High hat – supercilious, snobbish
             High-brow – having pretensions to knowledge
             High heels - footwear designed to make women appear taller
             High falutin – pompous
             High horse – arrogant and unyielding mood or attitude

             Highbinder – a dishonest political official, swindler, a member of a secret Chinese
                               society employed in U.S. cities in blackmail, assassination, etc.

To come off ones throne.. your highness

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 18-19 - American Royals

  Leroy Hightower - marijuana/pot (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom) author of the 2017 book Marijuana Cures: Disease Prevention, Pain Relief & Stress-Free Living and the 2017 book Medical Marijuana: Curing Chronic Pain, Illness and Stress. Yet another opportuistic book/product about marijuana that lies and deceives people into thinking that taking "hits" (see Battering Cocks) of this weed (see Ugly Concealments) are ways to get healthy. Complete and utter nonsense. Outside of allowing dying cancer (see Two) patients to indulge to relieve pain, the vast majority of medical claims about marijuana are hype and outright false. The sad result of freeing up this reefer (see Preying, Crooked Leanings) madness has resulted in 99% of the users being idiotic people who just want to get "high" (see American Royals). The shit is called dope (see Stupid Delays) for a reason. Marijuana use reduces blood flow to the brain, closes the third eye, and overall makes the user unable to reach their physical and mental potential. If people dying of cancer need extreme pain relief from the extremely potent forms of marijuana that exist now so be it. However allowing this serrated leaf
(see Butchers) into one's life inevitably cause destruction. Do not burn your tree. Seek truly sustainable highs by giving yourself hard exercise (see Yoga Swimming Running Exercise, The Man) as opposed to the easy take of a drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost). When one goes too "high" on cannabis/cannABYSS (see In a Hole) one inevitably ends up too low. One extreme begets another.
Leroy is a name meaning either 'regal' from the Old French rex/roy 'king' or 'red', from the Gaelic nickname Ruadh ‘red’(see America in the Red).
Hightower is aname that means 'high tower'.
English:  High - 4: exceeding the common degree or measure; strong; intense   5: expensive; costly; dear  7a: acute in pitch
                       b: little sharp, or above the desired pitch  8: produced by relatively rapid vibrations; shrill  13: haughty;
(see Drunken Times)  14: advanced to the utmost extent or to the culmination: high tide  
                       15: elevated; merry or hilarious  16: rich; extravagant; luxurious  17: Informal. intoxicated with alcohol

                       (see Drunken Times)
or narcotics (see Stupid Delays)  19: extreme in opinion or doctrine, especially
                        religious or political  33: luxuriously; richly; extravagantly  39: a euphoric state induced by alcohol, drugs
 (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) etc...
English:  Towering – 1: impressively high or great : imposing  
                               2: reaching a high point of  intensity : overwhelming 
                               3: going beyond proper bounds : excessive

According to World Mythology, Roy Willis – General Editor, which was first published in 1993, TOWER myths are often stories of the folly of human presumptuousness. Throughout southern Africa, TOWERS basically served as a warning to the perils of over-ambitiousness. Many of these TOWERS of pride were glamorously erected only to fall from disapproval or contradiction to a divine being.
English:  Luxury – [originally fr. O.Fr. luxurie lasciviousness, sinful self indulgence, fr. L .luxuria
                              rankness, excess, luxury, fr. luxus excess, extravagance] 1 archaic: LECHERY, LUST 
                          2: sumptuous living
(see Drunken Times, American Dreams).. great ease and comfort..
                          3: something adding pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary
             Lascivious – lustful, lewd
             Lewd – [fr. M.E. lewed vulgar, fr O.E. laewede laical, ignorant] 1 obs: EVIL, WICKED ..
             Luxate – [fr. L. luxus dislocated] to throw out of place or out of place : DISJOINT
             1Disjoint – 2: having no elements in common
             2Disjoint – 1: to disturb the orderly structure or arrangement of  <a ~ed society>
             Excess – [fr. L. excessus going beyond the bounds of reason or beyond the subject]

“Babylon the Great is fallen, is fallen; she has become a den of demons, a haunt of devils and every evil spirit. For all the nations have drunk the fatal wine (see Drunken Times) of her intense immorality. The rulers of the earth have enjoyed themselves with her, and businessmen throughout the world have grown rich from her LUXURIOUS LIVING. She has lived in LUXURY and pleasure … , she shall be utterly consumed by fire”... “She was their biggest consumer for gold and silver, precious stones, pearls (see Mad Money), … and scarlet" (see America in the Red)   Revelation 18

The following is how Merriam Websters defines gross.

English:  Gross - [M.E., fr. M.Fr. gros thick, coarse, fr L. grossus]  1a archaic: immediately obvious,
                          b (1): glaringly noticeable usu. because of inexcusable badness or objectionableness
                          < error>  (2) : out and out, utter <  injustice> c: visible w/o the aid of a microscope 
                          2a: big, bulky, esp. : excessively fat  (see Fat Man & Little Boy)  b: growing or spreading
                          with excessive luxuriance (see American Royals)  3a: of, relating to, or dealing with general
                          aspects or broad distinctions  b: consisting of an overall total exclusive of deductions < income>
                          4: made up of material or perceptible elements: corporal < the grosser part of human nature >
                          5: archaic not fastidious in taste : undiscriminating  6: deficient in knowledge : ignorant, untutored 
                         (see Stupid Delays)  
7a: coarse in nature or behavior : unrefined  b: gravely deficient in civility or
                          decency: crudely vulgar.     Synonym see coarse, flagrant.

English:  Hype - ["excessive or misleading publicity or advertising," 1967, American English (the verb is attested          
                          from 1937), probably in part a back-formation of hyperbole, but also from underworld slang
                          sense "swindle by overcharging or short-changing" (1926), a back-formation of hyper
                          "short-change con man" (1914), from prefix hyper- meaning "over, to excess."]

Russian:  Лих/лищ - Leex/leesh – superfluous, evil
                Сликом - Sleekom – too

Arabic:  شمخى Shamakha – to be high, lofty, tower up (building), to disdain,
                                             to turn up the nose, be arrogant, haughty, proud, supercilious


The symbolism of towers is most often associated with the erection of the Tower of Babel, a symbol of confusion where an overambitious people attempt to be one with god through material means. Its symbolism is worldwide. The Tower of Babel was an attempt to achieve godly knowledge through the use of a predominant language. God destroyed the tower and scattered the people into different tribes with different languages. Human presumption tried to rise to inordinate heights, but could not surpass its own nature. The Old Testament reveals that the Tower of Babel was the work of human pride, it was a city built in opposition to God.

If TOWERS were not acting as observation posts, they were intermediaries between Heaven and Earth. The sixteen major Arcanum of the Tarot depicts a flesh-colored tower, its pinnacle struck by a thunderbolt, while two persons are hurled headlong earthwards on either side of the building. In all, thirty seven almost spherical bodies, 13 red, 13 white, and 11 blue, stud the sky around the thunderbolt, its tongues of scarlet flame emphasizing its glory (see, and Tarot card 16 – the tower, is written to have the following connotations: delusion, illusion, ivy tower, pride, arrogance, ego, revelation, re-evaluation, a reality check, rude awakening, sudden shift in reality, a falling out, life changing event, a crisis coming to head, building castles in the sand, and a paradigm shift. Another source describes the tower as a symbol of abjection. The Tarot card 16 is associated with the planet Mars – the Roman God of War, together they represent destruction.

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 67-69 - Stupid Delays

   "Tripping"/Drug "Trips" - a top word used to describe being under the spiral (see Crooked Leanings) influence of drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) like ecstasy (see Drunken Times) or acid (see Drunken Times). "Taking" drugs will fry your brain and destroy your life. Best to get earned highs.
English:  Trip - [fr. O.F. triper to tread, of Germanic origin; related to L.G. trippen
                      to stamp, M.D. trippen to walk trippingly, trepelen to trample]  1: an
                      outward and return journey, often for a specific purpose  2: any tour,
                      journey, or voyage  3: a false step; stumble  4: any slip or blunder  
                      5: a light step or tread  ... 9: informal a hallucinogenic drug experience
                     10: informal any stimulating, profound, etc, experience  
                    v. 11: to stumble or cause to stumble  12: to make or cause to make a
                      mistake or blunder  13: to trap or catch in a mistake  14: to go on a
                      short tour or journey  15: to move or tread lightly  16: to experience
                      the effects of LSD or any other hallucinogenic drug
English slang:  Trip - a prison sentence
                       Lay a trip on - to inflict one's preoccupations or obsessions on (another person)
English idiom:  Ego trip - an act or course of action undertaken primarily to satisfy one's vanity or for self-gratification

German: trippeln - to toddle, to move with short, unsteady steps, as a young child.

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 52-57 - Quagmires

  Mushrooms - pyschedelic drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) that causes users to hallucinate (see Crooked Leanings) and or "trip" (see Stupid Delays). Psilocybin mushrooms, also known as psychedelic mushrooms, are mushrooms that contain the psychedelic compounds psilocybin and psilocin. Common colloquial terms include magic mushrooms and 'shrooms'. It is used mainly as an entheogen and recreational drug whose effects can include euphoria, altered thinking processes, closed and open-eye visuals, synesthesia, an altered sense of time and spiritual experiences. Psilocybin and psilocin are listed as Schedule I drugs under the United Nations 1971 Convention on Psychotropic
Substances. Schedule I drugs are deemed to have a high potential for abuse and are not recognized for medicialuse. The vast majority of mushrooms have little or no nutritional value.
English:  Mushroom - [mid-15c., muscheron, musseroun ,OED says it usually is held to be a derivative of French
                                 mousse "moss" (from Germanic), and Weekley agrees, saying it is properly "applied to variety
                                 which grows in moss"]
             Myco - [before vowels myc-, word-forming element meaning "mushroom, fungus," formed irregularly from
                          Greek mykes "fungus, mushroom, anything shaped like a mushroom," from PIE root *meug- "slimy,
                          slippery " (see mucus). The correct form is myceto- (mycet-).]
             Fungus - [L. fungus mushroom] 1: any of a diverse group of eukaryotic single-celled or multinucleate
                             organisms that live by decomposing and absorbing the organic material in which they grow,
                             comprising the mushrooms, molds, mildews, smuts, rusts, and yeasts, and classified in the kingdom
                             Fungi or, in some classification systems, in the division Fungi (Thallophyta) of the kingdom Plantae.  
                             2: Pathology. a spongy, abnormal growth, as granulation tissue formed in a wound
             Swamp - [c. 1500 (implied in swampwatyr "swamp-water"), of uncertain origin, perhaps [Barnhart] a dialectal
                            survival from an Old English cognate of Old Norse svöppr "sponge, fungus," from Proto-Germanic
                           *swampuz; but traditionally connected with Middle English sompe "morass, swamp," which probably
                            is from Middle Dutch somp or Middle Low German sump "swamp" (see sump). All of these likely are
                            related to each other, from PIE *swombho- "spongy; mushroom," via the notion of "spongy ground."]

German:  Sumpf – marsh, swamp
               sumpfen – to booze or party until the wee hours, to make whoopie,
                               uproarious merrymaking
(see Drunken Times)

English:  Moss – [O.E. meos "moss," related to mos "bog," fr. P.Gmc. *musan, also in part fr. O.N. mosi "moss, bog,"
                          and M.L. mossa "moss," fr. the same Gmc. source, fr. PIE *meus- (cf. L. muscus "moss," Lith. musai
                         "mold, mildew," OCS muchu "moss"), fr. base *meu- "moist, marsh."] 1 chiefly Scot: BOG, SWAMP  
                          esp. a peat bog
             Mossback – 1: an extremely conservativve or reactionary person : FOGY, old fashioned
(see Stupid Delays)
                                 2: a person living in the backwoods; rustic
(see Woods Boys)

Scots:  Moss-fa – a ruinous building

Gaelic:  Mòine/Moin – peat, moss, morass, fen, bog
             Moineis – false delicacy, slowness, laziness (see Stupid Delays)
             Monais – slowness, negligence

LLewelyn (see Lions Against Islam) Moss is the gun owning hunter who after finding 2 million dollars, goes back the scene to get more only to get stuck in the violence of illegal narcotics (see Stupid Delays) in the 2008 award-winning film No Country for Old Men.
Moss is a name for ‘someone who lived by a peat bog’.

Dave Moss is the desperate real estate salesman who resorts to stealing in the 1984 award-winning play Glengarry Glen Ross.
Scott Moss is the white supremacist recruiter in the 1995 film Higher Learning.
Tony Moss is the sleazy Las Vegas show director in the 1995 film Showgirl.

English:  1Bog - [of Celt. origin; akin to O.Ir. bocc soft; akin to O.E. bugan bend (see Crooked Leanings)
                          – more at bow] : wet spongy ground
              2Bog - to cause to sink into, impede
English idiom:  To get bogged down – to become impeded
British slang:  Bog – a toilet
                      Bog-ignorant – very ignorant (see Stupid Delays)
                      Bog off! – go away!
                      Bog standard – boring, typical
                      Bog-up – to make a mess of things
Australian slang:  Bog in – to attack food enthusiastically
(see Fat Man & Little Boy)
Gaelic:  Bog – soft, miry; soft, timid, spiritless
             Bogán – quagmire
             Boganach – soft, simple, booby-like fellow
(see Stupid Delays)
             Bogalach – marsh

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 63-64 - Crooked Leanings

   Hallucinate/Hallucinations - twisted distortions of the mind while tripping (see Stupid Delays) on Drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost). Taking Rave (see Roving, American Dreams) drugs like Ecstasy (see Drunken Times) or Molly (see Stupid Delays), droppping (see In a Hole) Acid (see Drunken Times), smoking (see Black Burning Gloom) Marijuana/Pot (see Drunken Times) or Hashish (see Butchers), etc... are the more predominant examples of when people hallucinate. Hallucinations can be associated with drug use (particularly deliriants), sleep deprivation, psychosis, neurological disorders, and delirium tremens. Currently, there are more types of drugs that cause
hallucinations then any other time in history. The emergence of "Raves" (see Roving) is a top symbol of cultural slackness within the past 20 years.
English:  Hallucinate/Hallucinations - [c.1600, "deceive," fr. Latin alucinatus, later hallucinatus, past participle of alucinari
                          "wander (in the mind), dream
(see American Dreams); talk unreasonably, ramble in thought," probably fr.
                         Greek alyein, Attic halyein "be distraught," probably related to alaomai "wander about" [Barnhart, Klein].
                          The Latin ending probably was influenced by vaticinari "to prophecy," also "to rave"
(see Roving). Sense of
                          "to have illusions" is fr. 1650s. Occasionally used 19c. in transitive senses, "to cause hallucination."]
                          1: a sensory experience of something that does not exist outside the mind, caused by various physical and
                          mental disorders, or by reaction to certain toxic substances, usually manifested as visual or auditory images
                          2: the sensation caused by a hallucinatory condition or the object or scene visualized  3: a false notion,
                          belief,  or impression; illusion; delusion  4:
false or distorted perception of objects or events with a
                          compelling sense of their reality, usually resulting from a mental disorder or drug

“…a demon-possessed man .. put into handcuffs .(see American Prisons.).. he would WANDER... screaming.(see Rough Noise)..”   Mark 5:1-5

English:  Meshuga - ["mad, crazy, stupid," 1892, fr. Hebrew meshugga, part. of shagag "to go astray, wander"] crazy

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 46-49, 50-51 - Black Burning Gloom, In a Hole

   "Drop"/"Dropping" LSD/Acid (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom) - the top word used to describe the act of taking a hit of LSD/acid. Dont drop bombs nor drop acid. Best to seek longer, healthier, more sustainable let alone earned enlightenment by giving your body what is truly needs (nutrition, exercise, work, charity, etc...) as opposed to knocking on heaven's door by taking drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost). Drugs will fry your brain.
English:  Drop - [M.E. drop ( e ) drop of liquid, O.E. dropa; (v.) M.E. droppen,
                        O.E. droppian; related to O.H.G. triofan to drip, akin to DRIP.
                         DROOP, M.E., fr. O.E. dropa; akin to Goth. driusan to fall  -
                         more at DREARY] 
                      1a: the quantity of fluid that falls…    v. 32: to fall in globules or small portions, as water or other liquid
                      33: to fall vertically; have an abrupt descent  34: to sink or fall to the ground, floor, or bottom as if inanimate
                      35: to fall lower in condition, degree, value, etc.; diminish or lessen; sink  36: to come to an end; cease; lapse:
                      There the matter dropped  37: to fall or move to a position that is lower, farther back, inferior, etc.  38: to
                      withdraw; quit (often followed by out or from ): to drop out of a race; to drop from a game  39: to pass or
                      enter without effort into some condition, activity, or the like: to drop into sleep; to drop into a habit  40: to
                      make an unexpected or unannounced stop at a place; pay an informal visit or call  41: to cease to appear or
                      be seen; vanish: to drop from sight or notice  42: to fall wounded, dead, etc.: men dropped in the battle  
                      43: to squat or crouch  44: to move gently, as with the tide or a light wind (usually followed by down )  
                      45: Slang. to ingest an illicit drug orally; swallow  48: to cause or allow to sink to a lower position
             Drop behind -to fall short of the required pace or progress
(see Stupid Delays)
             Drop off - 1a: to fall asleep  b: to decrease; decline
             Drop out - 1a: to withdraw from being a member or participant: to drop out of a club; to drop out of society and
                               become a wanderer
(see Crooked Leanings)  b: to stop attending school or college
English:  Drip – [M.E. drippen, fr. O.E. drypan; akin to O.E. dropa drop] 1: to let fall in drops 
                         2: to spill or let out copiously  3: (slang) v. to utter nonsense  n. an annoyingly boring person
             Droop – [M.E. drupen, fr. O.N. drupa; akin to O.E. dropa drop  - more at DROP] 
                           1: to hang or incline downward  2: to sink gradually  3: to become depressed or
                           weakened  : LANGUISH
             Dreary – [M.E. drery, fr. O.E. dreorig sad, bloody, fr. dreor gore; akin to O.H.G. truren
                            to be sad, Goth. driusan to fall, Gk. thrauein to shatter]  1: SAD, DOLEFUL
                            2: causing feelings of cheerlessness :  GLOOMY
English slang:  Drop - 1: to kill someone or something  2: drop in - to get arrested  3: to knock someone down  
                                   4: a small drink of liquor; a small serving of liquor
(see Drunken Times)  
                                   5: a place at which drugs, alcohol, or other contraband is left to be claimed by the recipient
                                   6: to take a drug, specifically acid/LSD  
                      Drop dead! - an exclamation of contempt 

English:  Stagnate – [fr L. stagnum pool of standing water, fr. PIE base stag “to seep, drip” fr. Gk. stazein “to ooze, drip”]

Irish:  Sil – to drip
         Silteanach – a listless person (see Stupid Delays)
Gaelic:  Silteach – dropping, tearful

German:  Tropf – twit, moron
(see Stupid Delays)
              Tropf – drip

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 9-12 - Drunken Times

    Acid/LSD - an illegal semisynthetic psychedelic drug of the ergoline family, known for its psychological effects. The types of experienes or "trips" (see Stupid Delays) .. from "dropping (see Black Burning Gloom) acid".. vary, and include such desciptions as altered thinking processes, closed and open eye visuals, synaesthesia, an altered sense of time and spiritual experiences, as well as adverse psychiatric reactions such as anxiety or delusions. During the confusion of the sicker times of the1960s, acid was a small overly passive reaction and juvenile part of the counterculture. It is used mainly as an entheogen, recreational drug, and as an agent in psychedelic therapy. LSD was first synthesized by Albert Hofmann in 1938 from ergotamine, a chemical derived by Arthur Stoll from ergot, a grain fungus that typically grows on rye. The use of drugs should be limited to those who have realtive sicknesses or imbalances. Best to be free of things that rot the brain and body.
Spanish slang:  Bicho – (literally a bug, insect (see Hairy Delays)) – a dose of LSD
Spanish: 1Bicho – bug, insect  2Bicho – Ugh! Yuck!
English:  Insect – 3: a trivial or contemptible person

English:  Acid – [fr. L. acidus "sour, sharp," adj. fr. acere "to be sour," fr. PIE base *ak- "sharp, pointed" rel. to acrid]
                       1: a chemical compound…  2: substance with sour taste  3: something as a remark or piece of writing
                       that is sharp, sour, or ill-natured  syn acerbic, stinging, vitriolic, tart, astringent  
                       4 slang: LSD or Lysergic acid diethylamide
             Lysergic is formed by lys in hydrolysis + first syllable in ergot + ic
             Ergot – [fr. O.Fr. argot "cock's spur"] disease of rye and other grasses caused by a fungus…
Australian slang:   To put on the acid – to importune someone as for money, sex, favors, or confidential information
English:  Sour - 1: having an acid taste   2: rendered acid as affected by fermentation; fermented  4: characteristic
                        of something fermented
   5: distasteful or disagreeable; unpleasant   6: below in standard 
                        7: harsh in spirit or temper, austere; morose; peevish  i.e. a sour temper
  (see Black Burning Gloom)  
                        9: (of gasoline or the like) contaminated by sulfur compounds  10: music. off-pitch, badly produced 
                        i.e. a sour note
                       v. 1: to become sour, rancid, mildewed etc. spoil  2: to become unpleasant or strained, worsen, deteriorate 
                        3: to become bitter, disillusioned, disinterested
German:  Sauer – 1: sour, tart  2: cross, annoyed  3: acidic
               Sauerei – 1: obscenity  2: bloody damned scandal, rotten state of affairs
               Sauerlich – sour; dour
               Sauer sein – to be mad
English:  Ferment [ME fr. L fermentum yeast – more at BARM]  2a: fermentation  b: a state of unrest : agitation
                          : a process of active often disorderly development
             Barm – [fr. OE beorma yeast fr. PIE bher to boil up; akin to MIr. berbaim I boil, seethe – more at BURN] 
Scots:  Barm – (n) yeast; froth; nonsense; foolish talk (see Stupid Delays);
(many lessons about yeast in the Bible)
                        (v) to fret; to mix wort with barley to cause fermentation
           Barmy – volatile, flighty, passionate, irascible
           Barmy-brained – foolish (see Stupid Delays), giddy
(see Bestial Behaviors)
           Barmy-faced – wearing a silly expression

Arabic:  خمر Khamara – to cover, hide, conceal (see Ugly Concealments);
                                     leaven, ferment;
                                     bear a grudge, harbor a resentment
(see Black Burning Gloom); conspire, plot, scheme

Russian:  Бродить - Brodeet – to wander (see Crooked Leanings), roam (see Roving), ferment
              Бродяга - Brodyaga – vagrant, tramp
              Брожение - Brodsheneea – ferment, fermentation
              Сброд - Sbrod – riff raff, mob

German:  Garen – to ferment, (figurative) to seethe with anger
(see Black Burning Gloom)

Gaelic:  Brach – to malt, ferment
            Brachd – fermented; rubbish
            Brachan – anything rotten, putrid, leaven

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 9-12 - Drunken Times

Here are some more interesting foreign words associated with

Hindi:   छकाना Chakana – to satiate, intoxicate, to cheat

             تك Takka – to crush under foot, trample; intoxicate                   

             ندم Nadama – to repent, rue, regret;
                                   drink alcohol, carouse

Arabic:    نبيد Nabid – wine, a word which comes from the verb Nabada.
                نبد Nabada – hurl, fling, throw, reject, discard, spurn, expel, banish, disown,
                                       repudiate, eliminate, dismiss, abandon, give up                         

English:  2Drunk – dominated with an intense feeling  < ~ with power>

English:  Nobble – to drug a race horse, hit on the head, to bribe and steal
             Nobbler – wine glass

English slang:  “Fire”Water
(see Black Burning Gloom) – alcohol

English slang:  getting “Bombed” or “Tanked”
(see Confused Warriors) – getting drunk

Old English:  Bombard
(see Confused Warriors) – drunkard

Scots:  Banged
(see Confused Warriors) – under the influence

Scots:  Spin
(see Crooked Leanings) – a drinking bout

Scots:  Horn
(see Crooked Leanings) – a drought of liquor
           Hornie – the devil

Scots:  Bree – liquor, whiskey, ale, moisture, broth, brew
           Bree – disturbance, fuss hurry, bustle
(see Hasty Hunting)

Scots:  Bosky – the worse for drink, wild, unfrequented (from the root bosch – bush, woods)
(see Woods Boys)

Scots:  Boozy –bulky, plump; tipsy or fond of drink; bushy, hairy
(see Hairy Delays)

English slang:  Dummy - 1: an empty liquor or beer bottle

                                        2: a cigarette butt
(see Black Burning Gloom)
                                        3: a stupid person
(see Stupid Delays)

Basque:  Katu – trigger of a gun, drunkenness, a cat
(see Lions Against Islam)

Russian slang:  Взвод - Vzvod – drunk, a cocked gun (see American Guns).. 
like the English slang “getting cocked” - drunk.

English slang:  Cocked - very drunk (see American Guns)

Russian slang:  Снард - Snaryad – (literally artillery shell) a large liquor bottle

Russian slang:  Фугас - Fugas –  high explosive bomb 
(see Confused Warriors); low quality wine

Russian slang:  Гарючка - Garuchka – (literally burned) alcohol, liquor; gas for the auto

                                                           (see Black Burning Gloom, Fierce Driving Hype)

Italian idioms:  Farci la birra - (literally to make beer) to be/become useless
                       Dare la birra - (literally to give beer) to leave in the dust

Portuguese slang:  Pistola – (literally pistol) bottle of wine
                           Pistoleiro – a drunk
(see American Guns)

French:  Pot de vin – (literally a jar of wine) a bribe   

English slang:  Buzzed (see Hairy Delays) - tipsy
                     Drunk as a lord (see American Royals) - drunk

                     Blasted/ Bombed/ Blitzed (see Confused Warriors) - drunk            
                     Sloshed/Smashed/Trashed/Wasted - drunk                  
                     On a bender (see Crooked Leanings) - on a pub crawl, binging on alcohol

                     Pub crawl (see Crooked Leanings) - indulging in alcoholic revelry  

German/English:  Katzenjammer (see Lions Against Islam) - a hangover from alcohol

Italian:  Fare fiasco –  (literally to make a flask) to fail badly
                  Fiasco – flask, (which happens to be the root of the English word fiasco)

“For he (John the Baptist) will be one of the Lord’s great men. He must never drink WINE or HARD LIQUOR – and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit …”   Luke 1:15

English:  Poison - v. ["to give poison to; kill with poison," c.1300, fr. Old French poisonner "to give to drink"
(see Drunken
and directly from poison (n.)]
             Poison - n. [c.1200, "a deadly potion or substance," also figuratively, from Old French poison, puison (12c., Modern
                          French poison) "a drink," especially a medical drink, later "a (magic) potion, poisonous drink" (14c.), from
                          Latin potionem "a drinking, a drink," also "poisonous drink" (Cicero), from potare "to drink" (see potion).
                          For form evolution from Latin to French, cf. raison from rationem. The Latin word also is the source of Old
                          Spanish pozon, Italian pozione, Spanish pocion. The more usual Indo-European word for this is represented
                          in English by virus. The Old English word was ator (see attercop) or lybb. Slang sense of "alcoholic drink"
                          first attested 1805, American English.]  1: a substance with an inherent property that tends to destroy life or
                          impair health  2: something harmful or pernicious, as to happiness or well-being: the poison of slander
                          3: Slang. any variety of alcoholic liquor: Name your poison!
English:  Intoxicate - ["to poison," mid-15c., from Medieval Latin intoxicatus, past participle of intoxicare "to poison," from
                                  Latin in- "in" + toxicare "to poison," from toxicum "poison" (see toxic). Meaning "make drunk" first  
                                  recorded 1570s]

“Don’t drink any WINE or BEER or HARD LIQUOR…”   The Angel’s words to Samson’s mother.  -  Judges 13

Gaelic:  Daor – servile, costly, high priced, scarce
            Daorach – drunkenness
            Daoranach – a slave
(see American Prisons)
            Daormunn – miser, diminutive creature
Gaelic/Irish:  Daor – slave, high priced, costly, dear, scant, scarce; to enslave
                    Daoranach – slavery, enslavement
                    Daoruch – drunkenness
                    Daormunn – miser, diminutive creature

German slang:  Keulen – to beat up; to get drunk
                       Keule – (a club, cudgel) bottle containing hard liquor; tough brawny woman
(see Bestial Behaviors)

Spanish slang:  Cana – (literally a stem, stalk.. without leaves or flowers) a glass of beer

Polish slang:  Lufa – a failing grade (see Stupid Delays); a shot of alcohol

Scots:  Bitchfu – beastly drunk (see Bestial Behaviors)

Latin:  Liquor – to flow, melt; (figurative) to waste away

English:   Pub “Crawls” - drinking pub to pub

Geman idiom:  Sausen – roar, rush
(see Hasty Hunting); to pub crawl, barhop
                       Durch Examen sausen – (literally to go through exams pub crawling) to fail an exam
                       Sause – booze up, pub crawl, barhop
                       In Saus und Braus leben – (literally to live in rush and fizzy drink) to live the high life
                       Sauser – new wine
                       Sauseschritt - at breakneck speed
English:  Sozzled – [fr. sozzle confused state, sloppy person; akin to souse]  drunk, inebriated

Spanish slang:  Pedo – (literally a fart) drunk

English  Piss – urinate/ urine – sometimes considered vulgar
             Pissed – British slang : DRUNK    
             Pissed off – slang ; ANGRY (see Black Burning Glooms), DISAPPOINTED, DISGUSTED

French:  Gris – grey; dreary, dull tipsy (see Black Burning Gloom)
             Griser – to exhilarate, to intoxicate

Scots:  Suck – drink leisurely
English slang:  Suck - inferior
Italian slang:  Ciucciare – to suck
                    Ciucco – alcoholic drink
Spanish slang:  Chupar – (to suck) to drink alcohol
                       Chupi – alcoholic drink
Irish: Sugach – (related to the Irish word for suck) tipsy

Chinese:  Jiu – alcohol, wine, liquor
               Jiunang fandai – good for nothing (see Stupid Delays)

German idiom:  Einen Affen sitzen haben – (to sit with a monkey (see Hairy Delays)) to be drunk
Italian slang: Scimmia – monkey (see Hairy Delays), drunkenness, depression
Spanish slang:  Mona – monkey (see Hairy Delays), drunk 
Spanish idiom: Estar con el mono – (literally to be with a monkey (see Hairy Delays)) to suffer withdrawl symptoms           
English idiom:  A monkey on ones back – an addiction or serious problem
                        Monkey business/ monkey around – to waste time
Spanish slang:  Mona – (female monkey (see Hairy Delays)) drunkenness

Blab – a gossip (see Stupid Delays)
            Blab – to tipple; slobber in drinking; a quantity of liquor
            Blabber – a tippler
            Blabber – to babble, speak indistinctly (see Stupid Delays)

Russian slang::  Муть – Mut - (literally sediment, murk, mud (see Quagmires)) nonsense, rubbish
                       Мутиться - Muteetsya – to get muddy; to get high on drugs, alcohol
                      Мутный - Mutniy (turbid, troubled, dull, murky, muddied) – drunk, high;
                     Мутный глаз -Mutniy glas - (literally muddy eye)  bar, tavern

Scots:   Geing – human ordure
            Geing – any intoxicating liquor  

שת Seth – noise , disturbance
        שת Seth – to drink alcohol

German :  Gerausch - noise (see Rough Noise)
                Rausch - intoxication

Greek:  Καπιλιο - Kapeelio – wine shop
             Καπιλια - Kapeelea – huckstering, exploiting (see Mad Money)

Scots:  Banged (see Rough Noise) – under the influence of alcohol

English:  Bombed - drunk (see Rough Noise, Confused Warriors)

Scots:  Boozy –bulky, plump; tipsy or fond of drink; bushy, hairy
(see Hairy Delays)

Gaelic:  Daor – servile, costly, high priced, scarce
            Daorach – drunkenness
            Daoranach – a slave
            Daormunn – miser, diminutive creature
Gaelic/Irish:  Daor – slave, high priced, costly, dear, scant, scarce; to enslave
                    Daoranach – slavery, enslavement
                    Daoruch – drunkenness
                    Daormunn – miser, diminutive creature

German slang:  Keulen – to beat up; to get drunk
                       Keule – (a club, cudgel) bottle containing hard liquor; tough brawny woman

Spanish slang:  Cana – (literally a stem, stalk.. without leaves or flowers) a glass of beer

Polish slang:  Lufa – a failing grade; a shot of alcohol

Scots:   Bitchfu – beastly drunk

Latin:  Liquor – to flow, melt; (figurative) to waste away

English:   Pub “Crawls” - drinking pub to pub

Geman idiom:  Sausen – roar, rush; to pub crawl, barhop
                       Durch Examen sausen – (literally to go through exams pub crawling) to fail an exam
                       Sause – booze up, pub crawl, barhop
                       In Saus und Braus leben – (literally to live in rush and fizzy drink) to live the high life
                       Sauser – new wine
                       Sauseschritt - at breakneck speed
English:  Sozzled – [fr. sozzle confused state, sloppy person; akin to souse]  drunk, inebriated

Spanish slang:  Pedo – (literally a fart) drunk

English  Piss – urinate/ urine – sometimes considered vulgar
             Pissed – British slang : DRUNK    
             Pissed off – slang ; ANGRY, DISAPPOINTED, DISGUSTED

French:  Gris – grey; dreary, dull tipsy
             Griser – to exhilarate, to intoxicate

Scots:  Suck – drink leisurely
English:  Suck -
Italian slang:  Ciucciare – to suck
                    Ciucco – alcoholic drink
Spanish slang:  Chupar – (to suck) to drink alcohol
                       Chupi – alcoholic drink
Irish: Sugach – (related to the Irish word for suck) tipsy

Chinese:  Jiu – alcohol, wine, liquor
               Jiunang fandai – good for nothing

German idiom:  Einen Affen sitzen haben – (to sit with a monkey (see Hairy Delays)) to be drunk
Italian slang: Scimmia – monkey (see Hairy Delays), drunkenness, depression
Spanish slang:  Mona – monkey (see Hairy Delays), drunk 
Spanish idiom: Estar con el mono – (literally to be with a monkey (see Hairy Delays)) to suffer withdrawl symptoms           
English idiom:  A monkey on ones back – an addiction or serious problem
                        Monkey business/ monkey around – to waste time
Spanish slang:  Mona – (female monkey (see Hairy Delays)) drunkenness

Blab – a gossip (see Stupid Delays)
            Blab – to tipple; slobber in drinking; a quantity of liquor
            Blabber – a tippler
            Blabber – to babble, speak indistinctly (see Stupid Delays)

Russian slang::  Муть – Mut - (literally sediment, murk, mud (see Quagmires)) nonsense, rubbish
                       Мутиться - Muteetsya – to get muddy; to get high on drugs, alcohol
                      Мутный - Mutniy (turbid, troubled, dull, murky, muddied) – drunk, high;
                     Мутный глаз -Mutniy glas - (literally muddy eye)  bar, tavern

Scots:   Geing – human ordure
            Geing – any intoxicating liquor  

שת Seth – noise , disturbance
        שת Seth – to drink alcohol

German :  Gerausch - noise (see Rough Noise)
                Rausch - intoxication

Russian slang:  Гудеть - Gudet - to complain; to drink alcohol, get drunk

Greek:  Καπιλιο - Kapeelio – wine shop
             Καπιλια - Kapeelea – huckstering, exploiting (see Mad Money)

Scots:  Banged (see Rough Noise) – under the influence of alcohol

English:  Bombed - drunk (see Rough Noise, Confused Warriors)

Scots:  Boozy –bulky, plump; tipsy or fond of drink; bushy, hairy
(see Hairy Delays)

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 46-49 - Black Burning Gloom

The word black comes from Old English blaec, which came from the Old Norse blakkr – dark, and the Dutch blaken – to burn, from the Proto Indo-European bhleg – burn or phlegein – burn, scorch. The same root produced the Old English blac – white (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) bright. Both blaec and blac are describing a lack of hue.. or not colored.
BLACK and WHITE both are the more prevalent color associations with DEATH.

     Cigarettes - one of the biggest killers in human history. Smoking related-diseases kill one in 10 adults globally, or cause four million deaths. By 2030, if current trends continue, smoking will kill one in six people. Symbolic Big Tobacco companies like Phillip Morris' Marlboro (see Quagmires) are now turning their deceptive advertising practices on the developing countries. Every eight seconds, someone dies from tobacco use. See Phillip Morris in this chapter for numerous linguistic assocaitions with smoking and tobacco. As if lung cancer and deteriorating teeth weren't enough, here's another reason to avoid cigarettes: They rot your brain. According to the BBC, a new study of more than 8,800 people over age 50 found a correlation between smoking
and damage to memory, learning, and reasoning in the brain. Cigarette addiction also causes irritability and anger (see Black Burning Gloom). Don't take a "drag" (see Stupid Delays) of this shit!!!
The following Slavic word is where the word Cigarette comes from:
Russian:  Сгареть/сгареться – Sgaret – to burn down, also described as

English expression:  Ashes to ashes - something said at funerals

English:  2Smoke – 1a: to emit or exhale smoke  b: to emit excessive smoke  2 archaic: to undergo punishment
                              : SUFFER   3: to blacken or discolor with smoke  4 archaic: RIDICULE
               Smoky – 1: made dark or black by smoke  2: emitting smoke, especially in large amounts
                           3: hazy; darkened or begrimed with smoke   4: having the character or appearance of
                           smoke : smoky colors  5: pertaining to or suggestive of smoke: a smoky haze
                           6: of a dull or brownish gray; cloudy
English idioms:  To go up in smoke – to go to ruin 
                         He/she is just blowing smoke – to be full of shit
(see Stupid Delays)

The Illustration of Edom in the book of Isaiah is a description of a place where doomed souls are sent.
“This judgment of Edom will never end. Its SMOKE will rise up forever…no one will live there no more. There the hawks and porcupines will live, and owls and ravens. For God will observe the land and find it worthy of destruction. He will test its nobles and find them worthy of death. It will be called the ‘land of nothing’…thorns will overrun palaces…and it will become the haunt of jackals (foxes) … the wild animals of the desert will mingle there with wolves and hyenas. Their howls fill the night…night monsters will scream at each other…and the demons will come there to rest.”
Edom means 'red'. (see America in the Red)   Isaiah 34:5-15
Italian idioms:  Vender fumo – (literally to sell smoke) to talk big nonsense
                                                                                       (see Stupid Delays)

                        Venditore di fumo – (literally seller of smoke) a fake
                        Molto fumo poco arosto – (literally much smoke little substance)
                                                                     all show or hype

                       Non valere una cicca – (literally not worth a cigarette butt) not worth a damn

Italian:  Conciare – to cure tobacco, tan tobacco; to beat up
(see Butchers)
            Conciarsi – to get into a mess

Russian idioms:  Дела Табак - Dela tabak – (literally to make tobacco) things are bad
             Не за нюх табаку Ne za niux tabaku – (not for the smell of tobacco) for nothing, in vain

English:  1Dodder – [fr. Nrw dudra to tremble, L fumus smoke – more at FUME] leafless wiry
                            herbs (cuscata) that are deficient in chlorophyll and are parasitic on other plants
               2Dodder – to tremble or shake from weakness or age, to progress feebly

Scots:  Tobacco night – irreverent name for watching over a body between death and burial

English:  1Reek – 1: smoke  2: vapor, fog  3: a strong or disagreeable fume or odor
               2Reek – 1: to emit smoke or vapor  2: to give off or become permeated
                             with a strong or offensive odor.    reeker – n.,  reeky adj.
English Idiom:  To reek havoc – to cause wide and general destruction, confusion, disorder, ruin

English:  Reek - ["smoke from burning material," probably from a Scandinavian source such as Old Norse reykr,
                        Danish rǿg, Swedish rök "smoke, steam," from Proto-Germanic *raukiz (cognates: Old Frisian rek,
                        Middle Dutch rooc, Old High  German rouh, German Rauch "smoke, steam"), from PIE *reug-
                       "to vomit, belch;" also "smoke, cloud." Sense of "stench" is attested 1650s, via the notion of "that
                        which rises" (compare reek (v.)) Old English recan (Anglian), reocan (West Saxon) "emit smoke,"
                        from Proto-Germanic *reukan (cognates: Old Frisian reka "smoke," Middle Dutch roken, Dutch
                        rieken "to smoke," Old High German riohhan "to smoke, steam," German rauchen "to smoke,"
                        riechen "to smell").]

Scots:  Smeek – v. to smoke; to dry in smoke; to fumigate; to kill with smoke 
                           n. smoke, tobacco fumes; a pungent foul smell; a quarrel, high
                           words between husband and wife
            Smeek – to infect; to smite
            Smite – 1: to strike sharply.. 
                         2a: to kill or severely injure by smiting

Russian:   Oкурок - Okurok - cigarette butt
                Курок - Kurok - cocking piece of gun, trigger
(see American Guns)

French slang:  Tige – (literally a stalk, not a flower) a cigarette

English slang:  Dummy - 1: an empty liquor or beer bottle
(see Drunken Times)
                                        2: a cigarette butt

                                        3: a stupid person
(see Stupid Delays)

French slang:  Fumer – to smoke; be angry
Italian slang:   Infumato – (literally smoked up) angry

German idiom:  Schall und Rauch – (literally noise and smoke) meaningless
(see Stupid Delays)

German slang:  Giftnudel– (poison nudel) cigarette, a vituperative woman, a bitch

German slang:  Fluppe - (from fluppen - speed in a car) a cigarette

French idiom:  Passer à tabak – (literally to pass the tobacco) to beat up
German slang:  Vertobacken – (from the word tobacco) to beat up
Russian slang:  Долбан - Dolban – cigarette butt
                         Долбанйы/долбанутйы - Dolbanniy/Dolbanutiy – inferior, bad, crazy
                         Долбать -Dolbat – to break or shatter   

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 67-69 - Stupid Delays

    "Drag" a Cigarette (see Black Burning Gloom) - a top way of describing when one puffs or inhales cigarette/cigar smoke. Smoking is one of the biggest killers in human history. Smoking related-diseases annually kill one in 10 adults globally, or cause four million deaths. By 2030, if current trends continue, smoking will kill one in six people. Every eight seconds, someone dies from tobacco use. As if lung cancer and deteriorating teeth weren't enough, here's another reason to avoid cigarettes: They rot your brain. According to the BBC, a new study of more than 8,800 people over age 50 found a correlation between smoking and damage to memory, learning, and reasoning in the brain. Cigarette addiction also causes irritability and anger (see Black Burning Gloom).
English:  Drag - 1: to draw with force, effort, or difficulty; pull heavily or slowly along  2: to search with a drag  
                          3: to protract (something) or pass (time) tediously or painfully  4: to proceed or pass with tedious slowness
                          5:  to feel listless or apathetic; move listlessly or apathetically  6: slang: someone or something tedious;
                          a bore  7 slang: to draw on a cigarette/cigar, pipe, etc...   8: marked by or involving the wearing of clothing
                          characteristically associated with the opposite sex; transvestite
(see Two)  
English:  Drag one's feet/heels - to act with reluctance; delay

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 20-21 - Mad Money

     "Puff" a Cigarette (see Black Burning Gloom)/Drug - a top term used to describe the inhalation or drag (see Stupid Delays) of a cigar/cigarette or any other burning drug.
English:  Puff - 1: a short quick draught, gust, or emission, as of wind, smoke, air, etc...                        2: the amount of wind, smoke, etc, released in a puff
                       3: the sound made by or associated with a puff
                       4: an instance of inhaling and expelling the breath as in smoking
                       5: a swelling  6: a light aerated pastry usually filled with cream, jam, etc
                       7: a powder puff  8: exaggerated praise
(see Drunken Times), as of a
                       book, product, etc, esp through an advertisement
                       13: derogatory , slang a male homosexual/gay
(see Drunken Times)
            Puffery – undue exaggerated flattery, praise, publicity, or acclaim (see Drunken Times)
Scots:  Puff – to boast or brag
(see Drunken Times)
           Puffle – to swell
German:  Puff – a thump, a bang
(see Confused Warriors)          
              Puff - brothel
(see Two)
German:  verpuffen - to fizzle out, to go phut, to fall flat

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 46-49 - Black Burning Gloom

   The American Snuff Company - Snuff is a preparation of finely pulverized tobacco (see Black Burning Gloom) that can be drawn up into the nostrils by inhaling. American Snuff Comapnay is owned by Reynolds American (see American Royals) of the infamous R J Reynolds tobacco company. The American Snuff Company makes deadly shit like Hawken Wintergreen Tobacco (see Hawk's Havoc), Grizzly (see Bears of the Woods, Black Burning Gloom), and Kodiak (see Bears of the Woods) brands of moist tobacco and is the second largest manufacturer of smokeless
tobacco products in the US. The president of American Snuff Company is Randall "mick" Spach (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost). Snuff and chewing tobacco not only can cause nicotine addiction, but may also increase the risk of fatal heart attack, stroke and certain cancers (see Two).
English:  1Snuff - [fr. Du. or Flem. snuffen "to sniff, snuff," related to Du. snuiven "to sniff," from P.Gmc. *snuf-
                          (cf. M.H.G. snupfe, Ger. Schnupfen "head-cold")]  1: to draw in through the nose by inhaling  
                          2: to perceive by or as by smelling; sniff  3: to examine by smelling, as an animal does  4: to draw air
                          into the nostrils by inhaling, as to smell something; snuffle  5: to draw powdered tobacco into the nostrils;
                          take snuff  6: Obsolete. to express disdain, contempt, displeasure, etc., by sniffing (often followed by at )
                Snuffle - 1: to draw air into the nose for the purpose of smelling something; snuff  2: to draw the breath or
                          mucus through the nostrils in an audible or noisy manner; sniffle; snivel  3: to speak through the nose or
                          with a nasal twang  4: to whine; snivel
                Sniff - 4: to show disdain, contempt, etc., by or as by sniffing  5slang: a "snort"
(see Corporate Pigs & Other
of liquor (see Drunken Times)
                Sniffle - to sniff repeatedly, as from a head cold, sickness, or in repressing tears, to breathe audibly through the
                             nose, as when the nasal passages are congested
                Snivel - 1: to weep or cry with sniffling  2: to affect a tearful state; whine  3: have a runny nose often from the
                             cold  4: to draw up mucus audibly through the nose  6: weak, whining, or pretended weeping  
                             7: a light sniffle, as in weeping  8: a hypocritical show of feeling: a sentimental snivel   9: mucus
                             running from the nose  10: snivels, a sniveling condition; a slight cold; sniffles
English:  2Snuff - 1: the charred or partly consumed portion of a candlewick
                          2: a thing of little or no value, especially if left over
                      v. 3: to cut off or remove the snuff of (candles, tapers, etc.) 4: snuff out. a: to extinguish: to snuff out a candle
                          b: to suppress; crush: to snuff out opposition  c: Informal . to kill or murder

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 24 - Corporate Pigs & Other Swine

     "Snorting" Cocaine/drugs – the only thing meant to go through the nose is air!
English:  Snort - 1: (of animals) to force the breath violently through the nostrils with a loud,                                harsh sound
                          2: (of persons) to express contempt, indignation, etc., by a similar sound
                          3 slang: to take a drug by inhaling, to snort cocaine
                          4 slang: a quick drink of liquor; shot
(see Drunken Times)

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 16 - Fierce Driving Hype

     “Toot”/Tooting Cocaine/drugs - the unnatural and insane practice of putting dust in the form of cocaine (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost)/heroin (see Black Burning Gloom) up the nostrils to get "high" (see American Royals) .. a high that ends in a polar (see Two) crash or low (see In a Hole).
English:  2Toot – 1: a binge, esp. a period of drunken revelry; spree  2: inhaled dose of cocaine

                          (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost)
  3: v. to snort (see Corporate Pigs & Other Swine)
cocaine (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost)
              Tootle – 1: to toot repeatedly.. 2: to proceed in a leisurely
(see American Royals) way
English slang:  Toot – 1: to drink copiously  2: to binge or a drinking spree  3: a fool; an oaf 
                                    4: the Devil  5: thunder-box  6: a braking of wind, fart  7: cocaine, a line of
                                    cocaine  8: to snort cocaine  9: dung; fecal material
                        Tooter – 1: a drunkard who frequently goes on a toot  2: a cocaine user or addict
Scots:  1Toot – v. used of a bird: to whistle, sing; to trumpet abroad; to whine; to express dissatisfaction or contempt
                        n. to boast
(see Drunken Times), brag; a puff (see Mad Money)
           2Toot – to jut out
           3Toot - n. a drinking bout
(see Drunken Times)
           4Toot – to toss about; disturb
             Tooter – v. to babble, gossip  n. a horn, trumpet, silly gossip, babbler (see Stupid Delays)
             Tooteroo – a bungle; a bad job
             Tootie/Tooty – a drunkard, a dram
(see Drunken Times)
             Tootin – a reproachful term for a woman
             Tootin – tippling from the bottle
(see Drunken Times)
             Tootle – to chirp; play the horn… to mutter; to talk foolishly; to gossip  n. silly gossip
(see Stupid Delays)
             Tootle – to drink alcohol, to tipple
(see Drunken Times)
             Toots – tuts!, tush!
             Tootter – to babble, gossip
             Tootter – to work in a weak trifling way  n. ruin; a weak trifling worker

Toot is the hired killer in the 1996 film Heaven’s Prisoners.

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 37 - Sheehan v. Rough Noise

    "Smack" as a top slang word for Heroin/Scag(see Black Burning Gloom) – a highly addictive (see American Prisons) evil that destroys lives.
English:  4Smack - [1960–65; probably special use of 1Smack; compare earlier slang schmeck with
                              same sense (< Yiddish shmek sniff, whiff; compare Middle High German
                              smecken ( German schmecken ) to taste)]  slang. heroin
               1Smack - [fr. Ger. Geschmack taste; M.E. smacken to perceive by taste, have a (specified)
                           taste, derivative of the noun; compare German schmacken]  1: a smell or flavour
                           that is distinctive though faint  2: a distinctive trace or touch: the smack of
 3: a small quantity, esp a mouthful or taste  4: to have the characteristic
                          smell or flavour (of something)  5: to have an element suggestive (of something):
                           his speeches smacked of bigotry

                2Smack - [1550–60; imitative; compare Dutch, Low German smakken, German schmacken]  1: to strike sharply,
                         especially with the open hand or a flat object  2: to drive or send with a sharp, resounding blow or stroke,
                          to strike or send forcibly or loudly or to be struck or sent forcibly or loudly  3: to close and open (the
                          lips) smartly so as to produce a sharp sound, often as a sign of relish, as in eating  4: to kiss with or as with
                          a loud sound  5: to smack the lips  6: to collide, come together, or strike something forcibly  7: to make a
                          sharp sound as of striking against something  8: a sharp, resounding blow, especially with something flat  
                          9: a smacking of the lips, as in relish or anticipation  10: suddenly and violently

   "Taking a Hit" as a top slang word within Drug circles - learn to take a real hit.
English slang:  Taking a "Hit" - a drag off a marijuana (see Drunken Times) or
other drug (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost)
English:  Hit - [...
underworld slang meaning "to kill by plan" is 1955. To hit the bottle
                     "drink alcohol" is from 1889]   1: to deal a blow or stroke to  2: to come
                        against with an impact or collision, as a missile
(see Greedy Spears), a
                        flying fragment, a falling body, or the like  3: to reach with a missile, a
                        weapon, a blow, or the like, as one throwing, shooting (see American Guns)
or striking   4: knock, bump   etc... v. 19:  to strike with a missile,
                        a weapon, or the like; deal a blow or blows  20: to come into collision
                        (often followed by against, on, or upon )  21: Slang. to kill; murder

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 29, 50-51, 60 - Ugly Concealments, In a Hole, American Prisons

   OxyContin/Oxycodone - very dangerous drug that has been over-prescribed whose very loose availability has made it a very addictive street drug. Oxycodone is an analgesic medication synthesized from poppy-derived thebaine. Oxycodone was developed in 1916 as one of several new semi-synthetic opioids in an attempt to improve on the existing opioids: morphine, diacetylmorphine (heroin), and codeine. OxyContin is Purdue Pharma's brand for time-release oral oxycodone. The most commonly reported side effects include disturbing nightmares, memory loss, constipation, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness, headache, dry mouth, anxiety, itching, and heavy
sweating. It has also been claimed to cause dimness in vision due to miosis. Some patients have also experienced loss of appetite, nervousness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, urine retention, dyspnea, and hiccups, although these symptoms appear in less than 5% of patients taking oxycodone. In high doses, overdoses, or in patients not tolerant to opiates, oxycodone can cause shallow breathing, bradycardia, cold, clammy skin, apnea, hypotension, miosis (pupil constriction), circulatory collapse, respiratory arrest, and death. Numerous shady medical services called "Pain Management Clinincs" sprung up all over the likes of Florida to provide people with fast and easy prescriptions/access. Current TV has done a brilliant documentary on this menacing problem called The OxyContin Express. Prescription drugs are being abused more and more and sadly the temptation to make money on these drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) has fueled this alarming increase in prescription drug addicts. OxyContin is very similar to heroin /scag (see Black Burning Gloom). In fact is has been called legal heroin. Addicts shoot (see American Guns), snort (see Corporate Pigs & Other Swine), smoke (see Black Burning Gloom), and sell (see Grabs the Heal, Mad Money) it. America is the most drugged culture on the planet. OxyContin is the most popular prescription drug being abused at the street level.
English:  OxyContin/Oxycodone - [fr. (hydr)oxy(l) + codeine. Developed 1916 in Germany; introduced in U.S. 1939]
               Codeine - [alkaloid present in opium, 1838, fr. French codéine, coined, with chemical suffix -ine (2), fr.
                               Greek kodeia "poppy head," related to kooz "prison"
(see American Prisons), lit. "hollow place",
                               kodon "bell, mouth of a trumpet;" koilos "hollow"
(see In a Hole) fr. PIE root *kel- (see cell) (see
                               Ugly Concealments)
. Originally codeina; modern form is fr. 1881]

English:  Cell – [fr. L. cella "small room, store room, hut," related to L. celare "to  hide, conceal," fr. PIE base *kel-
                       "conceal" (cf. Skt. cala "hut, house, hall: Gk.kalia "hut, nest," kalyptein "to cover," koleon "sheath,"
                        kelyphos "shell, husk;" L. clam "secret;" O.Ir. cuile "cellar," celim "hide," M.Ir. cul "defense, shelter;"
                        Goth. hulistr "covering," O.E. heolstor "lurking-hole, cave, covering," Goth. huljan "cover over,"
                        hulundi "hole," hilms "helmet," halja "hell," O.E. hol "cave," (see In a Hole) holu "husk, pod")]

English:  Hide - [O.E. hydan "to hide, conceal; preserve; hide oneself; bury a corpse," fr. W.Gmc.
                         *hudjan (cf. M.Du., M.L.G. huden), fr. PIE *keudh- (cf. Gk. keuthein "to hide, conceal"),
                          fr. root *(s)keu- "to cover, conceal"]   
               Conceal – [M.E. concelen, fr. M.Fr. conceler, fr. L. concelare, fr. com + celare  to hide –
                               more at HELL]
               Hell – [fr. O.E. hel helle nether world, abode of the dead, infernal regions, fr. P.Gmc.
                          khaljo “the underworld”, lit. “concealed place”, fr. PIE kel – to cover, conceal] 

According to the very impressive Dictionary of Symbols by Jean Chevalier, the HOLLOW is symbolic of the dark or negative existence, emptiness, the home of death, the past, the unconscious. It is considered the opposite to the mountain. According to the Dictionary of Symbols, “the hollow stands for the passive or negative side of being and life. It is the yet-empty reservoir of being. It is the dark
(see Black Burning Gloom) or negative side of all symbols, and it might be said, of all ideas and all being.”

English:  Hollow – [M.E. holw, holh fr. holh hole, den, fr O.E. holh hole, hollow – more at HOLE]
                           1: having an indentation (ie. depressed part of a surface) …
                           2: having a cavity within…  4a: deceivingly lacking in real value or significance 
                           b: lacking in truth or substance  : false, deceitful    syn. see vain.
             Hole – [fr. O.H.G. hol hole]  1: an opening… 2: a hollow place, pit …  3: an underground
                        habitation, burrow …  4a: a serious discrepancy or flaw  5: golf hole  6: a mean
                        or dreary place
(see Black Burning Gloom)  7: an awkward position: a fix  

German:  hohl – (adj) hollow; empty talk; (adv) hollowly, inanely (slang) boring, stupid, passé
(see Stupid Delays)
               Höhle – cave, den, lair
(see Ugly Concealments)
               Hohlkopf – idiot, dimwit
(see Stupid Delays)

German slang:  Loch – hole
                        löchern – to pester
                        einlochen – (to put in a hole) to put behind bars

Within the Bible, chains or shackles are associated with the following:
“like slaves in CHAINS”  Galatians 2:4

“For God will break the CHAINS that bind his people …”   Isaiah 9:4  -  The Promise of the Coming Messiah

“He led them from the darkness and shadow of death and snapped their CHAINS.”  Psalms 107:14

“…the rod of God’s wrath…brought me into deepest darkness…He has turned against me… He buried me…he has fastened me with heavy CHAINS.  And though I cry and shout…”   Lamentations 3:7

“And I remind you of those angels who were once pure and holy, but turned to sin. Now God has them CHAINED UP IN PRISONS of darkness, waiting for the judgment day.  Jude 1:6

“For the rejecters we have prepared CHAINS, yokes, and a blazing fire.”   Sura 56: 4

“Death bound me with CHAINS, and the floods of ungodliness mounted a massive attack against me.”  Psalms 18:4

“…a demon-possessed man ran out of the graveyard … this man lived among the gravestones … whenever he was put into HANDCUFFS and SHACKLES – as he often was - …”   Mark 5:1-4

“And thou wilt see
The Sinners that day
Bound together in FETTERS;”   Sura 14:49

“He seized the Dragon-that old Serpent, the devil, Satan – and bound him in CHAINS for 1,000 years, and threw him into the bottomless pit, which he then shut and locked, so that he could not fool the nations any more…”   Revelation 20:2-3

Portuguese:  Cativo – enslaved, prisoner..
the Italian cativo means – wicked, evil.

A synonym for ‘enslaved’ is the word ‘addicted’.
              Enviciado – addicted, enslaved
                  Viciado - corrupt
(see Two)
                  Vicio – vice
                 Viciar – to pervert, nullify, spoil
                 Viciarse – to become corrupted (see Two)
              Enviciarse – to be addicted
                   Viciado – corrupt
                   Vicioso – vicious
                   Vicissitude – vicissitudes
Portuguese:  Vicio – vice, failing, bad habit; addiction
                     Viciarse – get addicted to sth.
 (see Roving, Preying)

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 67-69 - Stupid Delays

   "Flake" as a top slang word for Cocaine
(see Snow Jobs & Other Frost).
English:  Flake - [1350–1400; (noun) Middle English; akin to Old Englishflac- in
                         flacox flying (said of arrows), Old Norse flakka to rove
(see Roving),
(see Crooked Leanings), Middle Dutch vlacken to flutter; (in
                          def 4) by back formation from flaky, in sense “eccentric, odd”; (v.)
                          late Middle English: to fall in flakes, derivative of the noun]  
                          1: a small, flat, thin piece, especially one that has been or become
                           detached from a larger piece or mass: flakes of old paint  
                          2: any small piece or mass: a flake of snow  3: a stratum or layer ... 
                          4: Slang. an eccentric person; screwball; an eccentric, crazy,
                          or unreliable person  5: Slang. cocaine
(see Snow Jobs & Other Frost)
          Flaky - 1: of or like flakes  2: lying or cleaving off in flakes or layers  3: Slang. eccentric; wacky; dizzy
          Flake out - 1: to pass out from exhaustio n; to fall asleep  2: fall asleep after drug
(see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) use
          Flutter - 1: to wave, flap, or toss about  2: to flap the wings rapidly; fly with flapping movement  3: to move in
                         quick, irregular motions; vibrate  4: to beat rapidly, as the heart  5: to be tremulous or agitated  6: to go with
                         irregular motions or aimless course: to flutter back and forth

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 46-49 - Black Burning Gloom

     "Dust"as slang for Heroin, Cocaine, PCP – among the more dangerous narcotics (see Stupid Delays).
English slang:  Dust - heroin; cocaine (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost); PCP;
                                  marijuana mixed with various chemicals
                        Dusting - adding PCP, heroin, or another drug to marijuana (see
                                      Drunken Times)

English:  Dust/dusty – [fr. PIE *dheu- with a sense of “smoke, vapor”] 
                            1: a presence of finely powdered dry earth  2: earthy remains,
                            ie the dead human body is ultimately reduced to dust by decay
                            3a: ashes  b: junk, rubbish  4: a low, debased or humble position
                            5: anything worthless  6: confusion, disturbance; turmoil
                            7: drought plaqued area

English idioms:  Bite the dust – be killed, esp. in battle, die; suffer a defeat, fail
                        Throw dust in s.o. eyes – to deceive, mislead
                        Leave one in the dust – leave one in a backward position, overtake, surpass
English slang:  Dustup – a fight
(see Confused Warriors)
                      To dust someone - kill someone

In the Bible, a rain of DUST was used a means of punishment (Deut, 28:24), a sign of mouring (Josh. 7:6), a state of extreme affliction (Isa. 47:1), and used to denote the grave (Job 7:21).

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 20-21, 61 - Mad Money, Fat Man & Little Boy

     "Blow" is slang for Cocaine.
English slang:  Blow - cocaine, snow
(see Snow Jobs & Other Frost)
                       Blow/Blown-out/Blown-away/Blown-up – slang for a
                                                                               drunken spree or intoxication
                       Blow off – to goof off, waste time

Italian:  Gonfiare – to blow, swell; to blow up; inflate; exaggerate

English:  2Blow – 2: BRAG, BOASTING (see Drunken Times)
              Blow-hard – BRAGGART
              Blower – 1: one that blows 2: BRAGGART 
              Blown – 1: SWOLLEN esp. one afflicted with bloat
              Bloated – 1: being much larger than what is warranted  2: obnoxiously vain
              Blow - [fr. PIE *bhle- "to swell, blow up"]

English:  Swell – 1a: to expand (as in size, volume, or numbers) gradually beyond a normal or
                           original limit   b: to be distended or puffed up  2a: to become filled with pride
                           and arrogance  b: to behave or speak in a pompous, blustering, or self important
(see Drunken Times)  c: to play the swell  3: to become distended with emotion
English:  Boast – [fr. Anglo-Norman bost, fr. P.Gmc. Bausia to to blow up, puff up, swell (M.Du. bose, D. Boos
                         and German bose evil, angry, wicked, bad) fr. PIE bheu to grow, to swell]  to brag,
                         to puff oneself up in speech
(see Drunken Times)

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 65-66 - Snow Jobs & Other Frost

     "Snow" as an English slang word for Cocaine/Heroin/Meth - Cocaine has wrecked the lives of hundreds of thousands of addicts. Its unnatural extreme high has deceived and killed people around the globe. The scourge of the very evil crack (see Thorns of the Bush) cocaine has been a major menace since the 1980s. There were 12,166 Federal drug arrests for cocaine in 2004. Numerous punk ass drug dealers from various violent cartels can be found within this manuscript.
English slang:  Snow - cocaine; heroin, amphetamine
American idiom:  Snow job - you refer to what someone has said as “a snow job” to express
                                            your disapproval of the fact that it is full of lies and exaggerations,
                                            and was intended to deceive or flatter you
English:  Snow (vi) – 1: to cause to fall like or as snow  2b: to deceive
(see Foxes), persuade, or charm glibly

The Falcon and the Snowman is a 1985 film based on a true story dealing with extremist politics during the Cold War era. The Falcon is a bird of prey (see Preying, Hawk's Havoc).
(see American Royals) “the Snow Queen” Wells is the ruthless CIA operative in the 1995 film Bad Company.
Dead Snow is a 2009 horror film about Nazi zombies haunting a previously occupied land.
First Snow is a 2006 film about a slick talking salesman whose former lies and betrayals leave him facing a cold fate.
Smilla's Sense of Snow is 1992/1997 book/film about an angry woman's struggle with cold emotions and her sense for other kinds of death.
Clyde Snow is the deeply indebted gambling addict who eventually winds up dead in the 2007 film Even Money.
President Snow is the leader of a very sick Darwinian society devoid of a middle class and replete with class warfare in the 2012 film The Hunger Games.

Mayor Rheinhardt Schneer is the stonewalling, far from progressive public official in the 2008 film Noise, who is not supportive of reducing excessive commercial and automotive noise.
Schneer is German for ‘snower’, much like the English idiom snow job.

Scots:  Flag – a flake of snow
            Flag – a contemptuous name for a woman
            Flagarie – vagary; finery; a gewgaw; a fanciful fastidious person

Russian idiom:
Нужен как прошлогодний снег - Nuzhen kak proslagodniy sneg - (literally to need like last years snow)
                                                                                                           to need like a hole in ones head

Russian:  Занос - Zanosh – snowdrift
                Заносчивый - Zanoshcheeviy - arrogant (see Drunken Times)

English:  Chimera – [fr. Gk. chimaira a fabulous monster with a lion’s head (see Lions
                                Against Islam)
, goat’s body (see Bestial Behaviors), and serpent’s tail
(see Crooked Leanings), supposedly a personification of snow and
, originally she-goat, fr. cheima winter season

                               1: a fire-breathing she-monster …
                               2: an illusion or fabrication of the mind; esp : an unrealizable dream

SNOW and ICE are defined as being symbolic of sterility, rigidity, coldness, and frigidity in most semiotic or dream dictionaries. The melting of the snow represents the softening of the heart.  Snow may be a symbol of purification if on a pristine landscape, but its white blanket may also be seen in dreams as covering up the complexities and rich diversity of life. For the most part, since snow is a solidified form of water, it is most consistently associated with frozen emotions.          

"Have you visited the treasuries of the SNOW, or seen where HAIL is made and stored? For I have reserved it for the time when I will need it in war."   Job 38:22-23

Found within Chapter 71 - Childish Delays

Albert Niemann was the German chemist who first isolated cocaine (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost)/extracted cocaine from coca leaves in 1859. Cocaine is among the most dangerous illegal narcotic (see Stupid Delays) drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) in the world today. Cigar (see Black Burning Gloom) chomping idiot Sigmund Freud (see Drunken Times) was the first to broadly promote cocaine as a tonic to cure depression and sexual impotence. In 1884, Freud published an article entitled “Über Coca” (About Coke) which promoted the “benefits” of cocaine, calling it a “magical” substance. Now various cartels are poisoning millions of people. The very diabolical crack cocaine (see Thorns of the Bush, American Guns) has wreaked havoc in various communities since the 1980s. As of 2008, cocaine had become the second most trafficked illegal drug in the world. Niemann also helped bring about other deadly substances. During experiments with ethylene and sulfur dichloride, Niemann discovered bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide which was later named sulfur mustard (see Drunken Times) and used extensively as chemical warfare agent in World War I. Niemann died on 19 January 1861, reportedly of "suppuration of the lung", probably caused by sulfur mustard poisoning. After his death, his colleague Wilhelm Lossen continued his investigations, and identified the chemical formula of cocaine in 1862.
Niemann is written to be either a nickname for a newcomer to a place, from nie ‘new’ (variant of German neu or Dutch nieuw) + man ‘man’, or perhaps also from niemand ‘nobody’, hence a nickname for an orphan or a 'person of no account'.
The literal translation within the German language is the followng:
German:  Nie - never
               Mann - man
(see The Man)
Thus 'never a man'.

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 71 - Childish Delays                        

    Skittles Parties - a party where a bunch of teenagers or young adults get together with a lot of random pills usually taken from parents medicine cabinets and they put them all into a pile and every one takes a few. you dont know exactly what you take.  This very dangerous pill poppping (see American Guns) has killed various people. Presciption drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) are way out of control within America, being given to people by quack psychiatrists (see Stupid Delays), who should be forced to go through rigorous training - physical and mental - before these mindermensch are allowed to push their drugs for their profits. Drugs should be a last resort after yoga, rigorous exercise, proper diets, turning off the idiot devices, being around good people, let alone spiritual/religious work, altruism/philantropy/charity, etc... have been practiced - yes practiced ..... for life is a constant practice. Life is not about lazy "takes". Life is about giving (see The Man).
The term skittle comes from the sugary candy (see Shifting Sands) brand Skittles.
English:  Skittles - [game played with nine pins, 1630s, plural of skittle, the word for the pins used in the game,
                            from a Scandinavian source (compare Danish and Norwegian skyttel "shuttle, child's toy").]
             Toy - n. 1: an object, often a small representation of something familiar, as an animal or person, for children
                          to play
(see Drunken Times) with   2: a thing or matter of little or no value or importance; a trifle
                          3: something that serves for or as if for diversion, rather than for serious practical use
                          4: a small article of little value but prized as a souvenir or for some other special reason; trinket;
                          knickknack; bauble   5: something diminutive, especially in comparison with like objects

                     v. 12: to amuse oneself; play   13: to act idly; or with indifference; trifle  14: to dally amorously; flirt

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapters 67-69 - Stupid Delays

  Quack Psychiatrists - the vast majority of psychiatrists do not know enough about life to be treating people. Unfortunately, their practices exist to make money (see Mad Money), and the most disturbing aspect of this for profit "practice" is how they get patients thinking that drugs (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) can solve their problems. This drug use is unlike no other time in the thousands of years of human history yet people bend now to this lie like mindless cattle to slaughter. The root of the word drug is 'dry'. The body is mostly water when healthy and alive, and dry when dead. Drugs, whether they be illegal narcotics
(see Stupid Delays) or among the many of the explosion of so called legal drugs, are not the answer. A quick "take" will never give a lasting sustainable balance. Best to "practice" exercise (see Yoga Swimming Running Exercise), good nutrition (see Blue Yellow Green, Four & Five), unplugging from idiot devices, being around good energy/people, giving/charity/philantropy, etc... This sick American culture has poisoned children
with drugs because parents and teachers do not want to accept proper times and responsibilities for guiidng the youth. Within America, there are too many people chasing self-centered interests at the expense becoming a true centered being. These parents and teachers and counselors who look to drugs do not have enough wisdoms to be influencing children. The father of ADHD on his deathbed said ADHD was an example of a "false disease". The American culture has gone soft with many things like all thumbs/pointer finger devices (see Two), LGBTQ madness, feminism, drugs, etc... and lacks the proper wisdoms to discover how to lead a drug-free life. It is the hard cold truth - if one is capable of practicing good habits (see The Man), then they should not be allowed to bed to drug dependence. These Quack psychiatrists should prove that they can do athletic perfromances before they are allowed to prescribe drugs. Most are nothing but average and less than average Mindermensch who appeal to average and less than average Mindermensch. All those white (see Snow Jobs & Other Frost) pills.
Spanish idiom: Tragarse la pildora - (lit. to swallow the pill) to swallow a lie (see Foxes)
English:  Duck - 6: informal a person, esp one regarded as odd
English:  1Quack - 1: the harsh, throaty cry of a duck or any similar sound  
               2Quack - a person who pretends, professionally or publicly, to skill, knowledge,
                               or qualifications he or she does not possess; a charlatan
English/French:  Canard - (literally duck) a false or baseless, usually derogatory story, report, or rumor

English:  Charlatan - [1610s, fr. French charlatan "mountebank, babbler" (16c.), fr. Italia- n ciarlatano
                            "a quack," fr. ciarlare "to prate, babble," fr. ciarla "chat, prattle," perhaps imitative
                             of ducks' quacking.]  a person who pretends or claims to have more knowledge
                             or skill than he or she possesses; quack

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 61 - Fat Man and Little Boy

 FENTANYL aka "FETTY" or "BOI" or "BOY"


English:  Fat - [Old English fætt "fat, fatted, plump, obese," originally a contracted past participle of fættian
                     "to cram, stuff," from Proto-Germanic *faitida "fatted," from verb *faitjan "to fatten," from *faita-
                     "plump, fat" (source also of Old Frisian fatt, Old Norse feitr, Dutch vet, German feist "fat"),
                      from root *peie- "to be fat, swell" (source also of Sanskrit payate "swells, exuberates," pituh
                      "juice, sap, resin;"  Lithuanian pienas "milk;" Greek pion "fat; wealthy;" Latin pinguis "fat").
                      Meaning "abounding in comforts, prosperous" is late 14c.
 (see American Royals).  Fat cat
                      "privileged and rich person" is from 1928; fat chance "no chance at all" attested from 1905. 
                       Fathead is from 1842; fat-witted
(see Stupid Delays) is from 1590s; fatso is first recorded 1943.
                       Expression the fat is in the fire "the plan has failed" (1560s). Spanish gordo "fat, thick," is from
                       Latin gurdus "stupid, doltish; heavy, clumsy,"
(see Stupid Delays) which also is the source of
                       French gourd "stiff, benumbed" (12c.), engourdir "to dull, stupefy, benumb"
(see Stupid Delays).]
                    1: having too much flabby tissue; corpulent; obese  2: plump; well-fed   3: consisting of or
                    containing fat; greasy; oily  4: profitable, as an office  5: affording good opportunities,
                    especially for gain
(see Mad Money)  6: wealthy; prosperous; rich  7: plentiful; abundant  
                    8: plentifully supplied  9: dull; stupid 
 (see Stupid Delays)  11: abounding in a particular element:
                    Fat pine is rich in resin. .... n. 21: an overabundance or excess; superfluity
(see American Royals)

English slang: Greasy - 1: Having a slippery surface; having a surface covered with grease.
                                      2: Containing a lot of grease or fat.
                                      3: (Slang) shady, sketchy, dodgy, detestable, unethical.
                                      6: (of a horse) Afflicted with the disease called grease.

English:  Larder - [c.1300, fr. Anglo-Fr. larder "a place for meats," fr. ML lardarium "a room for meats,"
                            fr. L lardum "lard, bacon"
(see Corporate Pigs & Other Swine, Butchers)]
                            1: a room or place where food is kept
             Lard - [c.1420, "fat of a swine," fr. OF larde "bacon fat," from L lardum "lard, bacon," probably
                       cognate with Gk larinos "fat," laros "pleasing to the taste."]  1: the rendered fat from a pig,
                        esp from the abdomen, used in cooking  2: excess fat on a person's body

English:  Belly – [fr. PIE bhelgh to swell, an extension of the root bhel to inflate, swell]

Scots:  Belch - a very fat person or animal; a brat of a child
(see Childish Delays)
           Bell - a bubble; to bubble, to swell out
           Beller - to bubble up
           Bellicon - a blusterer
(see Drunken Times)
           Belli-hooin - riotousness
           Bellwaver - to straggle; stroll; to fluctuate; be inconstant; to tell a story incoherently, ramble
(see Roving)
           Belly - to eat or drink voraciously
(see Drunken Times)
           Belly – to bellow, a roar of a bull (see Mad Money)
           Belly-god - a glutton
(see Drunken Times, In a Hole)

Russian:  Живóт - Zheevot – belly
(see Fat Man & Little Boy)
              Живóтное - Zheevotnoye - beast

English:  Beast - [c.1200, from O.Fr. beste "animal, wild beast," figuratively "fool, idiot" (11c., Mod.Fr. bête), from V.L.
                      *besta, from L. bestia "beast, wild animal,"used to translate Latin animal. Replaced O.E. deor (see deer) as
                       the generic word for "wild creature," only to be ousted 16c. by animal. Of persons felt to be animal-like in
                       various senses from early 13c. Of the figure in the Christian apocalypse story from late 14c.]

English:  Fat - 1: having too much flabby tissue ...  2: excessively rich   3: dull, stupid  (see Stupid Delays)
English slang: Fatty - a marijiana cigarette (ssee Black Burning Gloom)

    "Fatty" as slang for a Marijuana or Pot (see Drunken Times, Black Burning Gloom)cigarette (see Black Burning Gloom) - a deceptive and dangerous drug that needs to be properly spoken about given the liberalization of marijuana laws. Marijuana is getting stroger and stronger. Best to leave this slow and lazy substance to those who are sick. Drugs are basically for sick or imbalanced people.
English slang:  a "Fatty" - a marijuana or pot cigarette
English:  Fat - 1: having too much flabby tissue ...  2: excessively rich   
                       3: dull, stupid  
(see Stupid Delays)

Italian idioms:  Pancia - belly
                     Grattarsi la pancia - (to scratch the belly) to twiddle one's thumbs
                     Stare in panciolle - (literally to stay in in the belly) to loll about
(see Stupid Delays)

Latin:  Stomach-or-ari-ari-sum – to be indignant with, to be angry, to fume
(see Black Burning Gloom)
           Stomach-us-I – stomach, esophagus, gullet; irritation, annoyance

Latin:  Gula – throat, greed

Spanish idiom:  Se arma la gorda – (literally to arm o.s to the fat)
                                                      there was a terrible row or fight (see Confused Warriors)

Gaelic:  Tòic – swelling in the body or face from easy living (see Mad Money)
             Toic – wealth, wealth that puffs up; gluttony, luxury (see American Royals)

German:  Bauch – belly, gluttony
               Bauchmensh – somebody guided more by feeling than intellect

German idiom:  In den Magen haben (literally to have in the stomach) to be angry (see Black Burning Gloom)

French slang:  Tete de lard – (literally a fathead) stubborn person (see Stupid Delays)

Russian:  Чрево - Chrevo – belly
               Чревоугодеа - Chrevougodeea – gluttony

Russian Idiom:  Беситься от жира - Bezeetsya ot zeera - (lit. to go crazy with ones fat)
                                                                                         to go crazy with ones riches
(see Mad Money)

“But Israel was soon overfed;
Then, in plenty, they forsook their God.”  Deuteronomy 32: 15

English:  Swell – 1a: to expand (as in size, volume, or numbers) gradually beyond a normal or original limit  
                          b: to be distended or puffed up 
                          2a: to become filled with pride and arrogance 
                          b: to behave or speak in a pompous, blustering, or self important manner 
(see Drunken Times)
                          c: to play the swell 
                          3: to become distended with emotion

“The good man eats to live, while the evil man lives to eat.”   Proverbs 13: 25

Americans are the Fattest People ever known in world history.

“When dining with a rich man, be on your guard and don’t stuff yourself, though it all tastes so good; for he is trying to bribe you, and no good is going to come of his invitation.” Proverbs 23:1

“… gorging and stuffing themselves without thought for others”.  Jude 1: 12

English:  1Plump - [late 15c., "blunt (see Stupid Delays), dull" (in manners), from Dutch plomp "blunt, thick, massive,
(see Stupid Delays)," related to plompen "fall or drop heavily" (see plump (v.)). Meaning
                            "fleshy, of rounded form" is from 1540s in English. Danish and Swedish plump "rude, coarse, clumsy"
 (see Stupid Delays) are from the Low German word and represent a different sense development.]
                            1: well filled out or rounded in form; somewhat fleshy or fat; chubby
             2Plump - 1: to drop or fall heavily or suddenly; come down abruptly or with direct impact
(see In a Hole)


English:  Boy - [mid-12c., boie "servant, commoner, knave, boy," possibly from O.Fr. "one fettered," from V.L .
                      *imboiare, from L. boia "leg iron, yoke, leather collar," from Gk. boeiai dorai "ox hides." But it also
                        appears to be identical with E.Fris. boi "young gentleman," and perhaps with Du. boef "knave,"
                        from M.Du. boeve, perhaps from M.L.G. buobe. This suggests a gradational relationship to babe

                        (see Childish Delays)

Old English:  Camp – 1: combat, battle, struggle, contest, warfare (see Confused Warriors)
                                  2: field  3: a bond, fetter, chain

The Old English Boia is another possible related origin. The Old English Boia most likely has its roots in the Latin boia – shackle (see American Prisons), and the Italian boia – executioner, damned, hellish. Some view this to be the etymology of the English word boy. Another interesting possibility is the Russian Бой - Boy – battle, fight, slaughtering (see Confused Warriors, Butchers).

The surnames Boys/Boyes/Boyse/Boyce all emanate from the Old French bois ‘wood’, equivalent to ‘wood’ (see Woods Boys). For example, the name Passboys is translated as ‘dweller past the bush’. In Middle English these words became to mean ‘young man’ or ‘servant’, much like the modern ‘boy’. It was also used as a nickname for a ‘knave’, ‘rogue’, or ‘wretch’ (see Roving, Preying).

So the actual etymology of the word ‘boy’ is theorized to originate either from an Old French word for 'the woods' (see Woods Boys), or from the Old English boie meaning servant, commoner, knave, boy (see Childish Dealys), related to the Old French embuie ‘one fettered’, from the Latin boia – ‘leg iron’, ‘shackle’, ‘yoke’, ‘leather collar’ (see American Prisons). The modern Italian boia means ‘hell’.

English:  Boy [from the Latin boia – leg shackle, chains
(see American Prisons)] not a man
              Old Boy – the devil
              Boy (slang) – a masculine female or effeminate man
              Playboy – libertine (see Fierce Driving Hype)
              Cowboy – one that drives cattle
(see Mad Money)
              Tallboys – 16 oz. of beer
(see Drunken Times)
              Staboy – a cry for encouraging hunting dogs
(see Hasting Hunting)
              Stuboy – to set a dog on a person
(see Hasty Hunting)
              Tomboy – girl that acts like a spirited boy, a hoyden
(see Heathens)

English:  1Boil - [early 13c., from Old French bolir "boil, bubble up, ferment, gush" (12c., Modern French bouillir), from
                         Latin bullire "to bubble, seethe," from PIE base *beu- "to swell" (see bull
(see Mad Money)). The native
                         word is seethe
 (see Black Burning Gloom). Figurative sense of "to agitate the feelings" is from 1640s.]
                         1: to change from a liquid to a gaseous state, producing bubbles of gas that rise to the surface of the liquid,
                         agitating it as they rise   2: to reach or be brought to the boiling point  3: to be in an agitated or violent state
                         4: to be deeply stirred or upset
             2Boil - ["hard tumor," altered from Middle English bile (Kentish bele), perhaps by association with the verb; from
                         Old English byl, byle "boil, carbuncle," from West Germanic *buljon- "swelling" (cf. Old Frisian bele, Old
                         High German bulia, German Beule). Perhaps ultimately from PIE root *bhel- (2) "to swell" (see bole ), or
                         from *beu- "to grow, swell" (see bull
(see Mad Money) (n.2); also cf. boast ). Cf. Old Irish bolach "pustule,"
                         Gothic ufbauljan "to puff up," Icelandic beyla "hump."]   a pain
ful, circumscribed inflammation of the skin or
                         a hair follicle, having a dead, suppurating inner core: usually caused by a staphylococcal infection
              Blister - [from Middle Dutch blyster "swelling;" (see blast)]
                           1: a local swelling of the skin that contains watery fluid and is caused by burning, infection, or irritation
                           4: Military. a transparent bulge or dome on the fuselage of an airplane, usually for mounting a gun
                           10: to criticize or rebuke severely  11: to beat or thrash; punish severely
English slang:  Blister - an irritating person
                      Blister - prostitute/hooker
(see Crooked Leanings)

English:  Blast - 2: the blowing of a trumpet
(see Trump's Reality), whistle, etc  3: a loud, sudden noise
                         7: Slang. a party or riotous time   8: a vigorous outburst of criticism; attack
                         11: the act of exploding; explosion  2: any pernicious or destructive influence, especially
                         on animals or plants; a blight  13: the sudden death of buds, flowers, or young fruit
                         25: to shoot, to shoot a firearm  26: Slang. to take narcotics (see Stupid Delays)

English:  Swell – 1a: to expand (as in size, volume, or numbers) gradually beyond a normal or
                           original limit   b: to be distended or puffed up  2a: to become filled with pride
                           and arrogance  b: to behave or speak in a pompous, blustering, or self important
                           manner  (see Drunken Times)  c: to play the swell   3: to become distended with emotion

The following is an example of an Entry found within Chapter 82 - The Man

     Daniel Amen and The Amen Clinics - an American psychiatrist, a brain disorder specialist, director of the Amen Clinics, and a ten-times New York Times bestselling author who givs the hard cold truth for druggies (see Snow Jobs and Other Frost) of all kinds. The Amen clinic shows scientific details on how each drug severely effects the user's brain ergo mind body and soul. This type of information should be celebrated as
much as possible within all types of media to combat the corrupt self-serving opportunistic pro-marijuana (see Drunken TImes, Black Burning Gloom) forces that are nothing but punk-ass liars. YES they are nothing but deceivers and overall piees of shit who cannot get their little brains around the fact that 99.99% of the users of this reefer (see Preying, Crooked Leanings) need not and should not be consuming this double serrated (see Butchers) weed (see Ugly Concealments). The Amen Clinic shows that this long called and rightfully termed "dope" (see Stupid Delays) causes significantly reduced activity in the frontal and temporal lobes; areas of the
brain involved with focus, concentration, motivation, memory, learning, and mood stability. Cannabis/cannABYSS (see In a Hole) cause less blood flow to the brain. Marijuana use commonly causes low blood flow in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and temporal lobes. For all you idiotic stoners - THAT IS NOT GOOD. Live the truth and stop lying to yourself and others. >
English:  Amen - [Old English, from Late Latin amen, from Ecclesiastical Greek amen, from Hebrew amen "truth,"
                         used adverbially as an expression of agreement (e.g. Deut. xxvii:26, I Kings i:36; cf. Modern English
                         verily, surely, absolutely in the same sense), from Semitic root a-m-n "to be trustworthy, confirm, support."
                         Used in Old English only at the end of Gospels, otherwise translated as Soðlic! or Swa hit ys, or Sy!
                         As an expression of concurrence after prayers, it is recorded from early 13c.]   
              Interj.: 1: It is so; so be it (used after a prayer, creed, or other formal statement to express solemn
                         ratification or agreement).
                 Adv. 2: verily; truly.
                         3: : an utterance of the interjection “amen."
                         4: a musical setting for such an utterance
                         5: an expression of concurrence or assent


English:  Man - [Old English man, mann "human being, person (male or female); brave man, hero; servant, vassal,"
                       from Proto-Germanic *manwaz (cf. Old Saxon, Swedish, Dutch, Old High German man, German
                       Mann, Old Norse maðr, Danish mand, Gothic manna "man"), from PIE root *man- (1) "man" (cf.
                       Sanskrit manuh, Avestan manu-, Old Church Slavonic mozi, Russian muzh "man, male"). Plural men
                       (German Männer) shows effects of i-mutation, connected to root *men- "to think" (see mind),
                       which would make the ground sense of man "one who has intelligence"]

English:  Mind -
n. 1: (in a human or other conscious being) the element, part, substance, or process that reasons,
                             thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc.: the processes of the human mind.
                             2: Psychology. the totality of conscious and unconscious mental processes and activities
                             3: intellect or understanding, as distinguished from the faculties of feeling and willing; intelligence
                             4: a particular instance of the intellect or intelligence, as in a person
                             5: a person considered with reference to intellectual power
                             6: intellectual power or ability
                             7: reason, sanity, or sound mental condition
                             8: a way of thinking and feeling; disposition; temper:
                             9: a state of awareness or remembrance:
                             10: opinion, view, or sentiments:
                             11: inclination or desire
                             12: purpose, intention, or will
                             13: psychic or spiritual being, as opposed to matter
                             14: a conscious or intelligent agency or being
                             15: remembrance or recollection; memory

Hindi:  Man - heart, mind, psyche, soul
           Manna - to agree, believe

Latin:  Manus - hand

German idioms:  seinen Mann stehen - to demonstrate one ability, show ones worth
                         Ein Mann ein Wort - an honest man is as good as his word

              من Mann – to be kind, benign, gracious, benevolent, to bestow blessings, benefits
            منح Manaha – to give, grant, accord
            مان Man – to sustain, supply, supply with provisions
            امان Amana – to be reliable, faithful, to be safe, secure, reassure, believe, trust
            امن Aman - security, safety, shelter, peace
              طمن Tamana - to set someone’s mind at ease, to fill with confidence, make sure,
                           to calm, appease, pacify, allay, assuage, soothe
             طمن Taman – peace of mind, composure, equanimity
             ضمن Daman – to be responsible, guarantee, ensure, safeguard
             ذمن Daman – to give oneself, devote, persevere
             معن Maan – to apply oneself assiduously, devote all ones efforts,
                           to scrutinize, examine closely, careful study
            معنى Maana – meaning, sense, significance
            قمن Qaman – to intend, purpose, be worthy, adequate, deserving
            رمن Riman – to love tenderly
            الامن العاامي Alaman alalami – world peace

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